【シーズン6】創世記38章 ユダとタマル【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 38: Judah and Tamar

  1. What happened to Judah, the one who sold Joseph

Joseph was sold as a slave. The brothers showed their father Jacob Joseph’s blood-soaked robe to hide their evil plan, but the matter did not end there. Jacob “wept and mourned and refused to be comforted” for many days. It was impossible for the brothers’ consciences to be troubled by their father’s grief.

“Judah went down from his brothers.” These are the brothers who planned to kill or sell Joseph, actually sold him, and then tried to deceive their father with a clean slate. Even though they were tormented by a sense of guilt, they did not confess their sins to their father and ask for forgiveness. Instead, they blamed each other and the blame was directed at Judah. It must have been an unbearable situation for Judah, who had been the one who had told everyone to sell him off.
Humans are so foolish. They cannot admit their own sins. In fact, they try to put aside their own sins and end things by blaming someone else. Judah must have sensed this in his brothers’ attitude and decided that he could not stay with them. So he left them.
By the way, the land where Judah settled is the land that the tribe of Judah inherited when they escaped from Egypt and began their conquest of Canaan (Joshua 15:35). It is also the place where David fled from Saul and hid there when King Achish of Gath refused to protect him, and made it his base (2 Samuel 23:13). If you have read the Old Testament, you will understand that Judah’s casual actions were a foreshadowing of the fate of the tribe of Judah thereafter. In fact, the significance of Chapter 38 is that it unintentionally reveals the genealogy of the Savior Jesus Christ. Since Jesus Christ came from the tribe of Judah, this is also a record of how the tribe of Judah left descendants.

  1. Tamar’s Scheme

Judah took a Canaanite wife. This was unforgivable from the viewpoint of his great-grandfather Abraham (Genesis 24:3). In any case, his firstborn son Er and second son Onan died because of God’s anger, and Judah had to give his firstborn son’s wife Tamar to his third son Shelah in order to leave descendants. This was due to the custom of the time called levirate marriage (Deuteronomy 25:5-10). In other words, it was a legal method used when a married man died without children, and the brother of the dead man took the widow as his own wife.

However, Judah, fearing Shelah’s death, did not want to give Shelah to Tamar. Judah decided that Tamar was an ominous woman and kept his distance from her. Tamar, who was abandoned, returned to her father’s house. Years later, it is announced that Judah’s wife has died, he is alone, and he has come to Timnah. Tamar then disguises herself as a prostitute and deceives Judah, becoming pregnant.

However, this prostitution was not simply a sexual seduction, but also had a religious meaning. The “time of the fleece shearing” refers to the time of the fertility festival (1 Samuel 25:4), and Tamar lured Judah into ritual fornication according to the Canaanite folk belief. In other words, what we have here is a story of a Gentile woman who scheming to have offspring, and of God’s chosen people who were corrupted by playing with women in the pagan religious rites of Canaan. The fact that this is recorded in the story of Joseph highlights Joseph’s faith and chastity, and also highlights the tainted side of Jesus’ genealogy.
In other words, the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew often seems like a boring list, but when we find the names of Perez and Zerah, who were born to Tamar (Matthew 1:3), we are reminded of Judas’ unacceptable paganism and his involvement with a sinful, scheming prostitute. In other words, Paul once foolishly boasted that he was born into a pure Jewish elite lineage. However, the events described in Matthew’s genealogy are astonishing, as God gave birth to His beloved, only son, Jesus, in a family with the most sinful family history and entrusted him with his upbringing. It is Perez’s line that leads through David to Christ. Believing in God is not something to overreach yourself with. It is okay to live honestly and as you are. There is no need to lament your foolish past. There is no need to belittle your upbringing or the shameful life you have lived. No matter what kind of life you’ve been through, God is interested in what you want to do with it. Don’t try to defend yourself or blame others and live a bitter life, but ask God to open a new life for you. God’s Word is true. God bless you. Please subscribe and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.