【シーズン6】エペソ人への手紙3章 キリストの奥義【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













Ephesians 3: The depths of Christ

1. The work of grace (3:1-2) 

When Paul wrote this letter, he was a prisoner in Rome. However, Paul accepted it as a “ministry of grace” given to him by God. What does this mean?

Paul was a prisoner because of an incident in the temple in Jerusalem. Paul was falsely accused of bringing a gentile into a place where only Jews were allowed (Ac 21:28), and a great riot ensued. Paul was almost killed in the riot and was saved in the nick of time by the Roman army. Paul then appealed to Rome and was sent to Rome as a prisoner.

However, when Paul was escorted to Rome, he was not in prison, but in a rented house where people could come and go as they pleased. He had plenty of time and people came to visit him. He boldly preached the gospel of the kingdom without hindrance (Ac 28:31). And Paul even received revelations from the depths of God. With every stroke of his pen and every ounce of his strength, Paul could not help but preach this to the people of Ephesus. What a ministry of grace! What an opportunity for grace! This is why.

2. the revelation of the depths of truth (3:3-13)

Paul then begins to speak of the “mystery” revealed to him by God. Deepness is mystery in English. But the depths of God are no longer mysterious or incomprehensible; they are fully revealed. It is, in a word, verse 6, that all mankind will be united in Christ and share in the same blessing.

In other words, it is a repetition of what we discussed yesterday in chapter 2. The salvation of which Christianity speaks is not merely the salvation of individual souls or enlightenment. It is the salvation of all mankind from strife and the blessing and peace of being children of God to all peoples and nations. It is to be achieved by non-violent means that will bring all humanity to the level of the Cross of Christ. It is quite different from the one that uses new weapons, thoroughly crushes the opponents and silences them by force under the order of the victor.

Moreover, it is a great peace that goes beyond the peace of all humanity and includes the whole of creation, as we read in the Letter to the Romans. Since the root of this peace is man’s recognition of his own selfishness and repentance, it is quite understandable that the natural environment, which has been exploited and destroyed by human tyranny, will be restored. The question is whether man will respond to the invitation of this wonderful world in Jesus Christ.

3. the second prayer (3:14-21)

The first prayer in chapter 1 (1:15-23) was a prayer for people’s eyes to be opened to the spiritual blessings that come from heaven. The second prayer here in chapter 3 is a prayer for the realization of that depth, that all might understand the breadth, length, height, and depth of Christ’s love on the cross, that all might have the mind of Christ.

In verse 17, Paul prays for Christ to dwell in us, to be at home in our hearts. In other words, to have a deep relationship with Christ. Then, in verse 19, he prays that you may be filled to the brim with the fullness of God. There is a difference between “knowing” and “being filled. It is not just understanding with the mind, but having the truth penetrate every nook and cranny of the mind and body. This is what Christians have been called to do during the recent spread of the Corona infection. Without the love of Christ permeating the mind and body, the profound truths that Christians speak of, the blessings that unite the world, become mere ideals and slogans. Remember your own imperfection and join your heart to my prayer that your eyes may be opened to the breadth, length, height, and depth of Christ’s love, that you may be filled.

God’s word is true. God bless you and I will see you tomorrow on this channel.


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