Corinthians chapter 10: Receiving the Lord’s advice
1. The flow of events up to now
Before we begin chapter 10, let us look back at the flow of events up to this point. First of all, the Corinthian church leaders were dealing with the problems within the church, but there seemed to be some excesses. So Paul begins this letter by urging them to show love to a man who was about to be thrown out of the church and to restore him (2:7). Later Paul asks him to open his heart to him again (7:2). Paul was about to tell a more subtle story. In other words, in chapters 8 and 9 he was going to urge them to make good on their promise of emergency aid, which had been suspended for some time. He wanted to say: “There’s a lot of money here that you don’t want to talk about.
So from chapter 10 we have a new theme, but the tone and content is very different from the previous chapters. Whereas in the past he spoke gently and comfortingly to the brothers and sisters of the Corinthian church, from this point on he adopts a sarcastic, critical and even harshly offensive tone.
2. a different audience than before
So some scholars think that this passage may be part of another letter, either the first “hard letter” or another fifth letter. However, it is also possible that Paul was writing to a different audience. That is to say, up to chapter 9 he was speaking to the entire Corinthian church, but from chapter 10 onwards he is speaking to the Judaistic false teachers who have entered this church and are causing confusion in the church.
So when you read chapter 10, the first thing you will see is how Paul was criticised by the false teachers.
1) He was only bold when he was far away (v.1). In other words, they said he was weak.
(2) He walked according to the flesh (v.3), so they said he was carnal, calculating and human.
(3) He had a pale face and spoke badly (vv.10-11).
(4) He was inferior to them (vv. 12-15).
3 Response to Paul’s criticism
Paul begins his defence in a somewhat unpopular way, but he is frank in stating the principles of Paul’s thinking.
For example, Paul has been criticised for being carnal. But he says that the Christian life is not incompatible with a life of obedience to Christ, nor with a spiritual, carnal life that tastes the fearful power of God (v.5). What it is like to live a life that does not look down on people, but belongs to Christ and to them.
3rd Response to Paul’s criticism
Paul begins his defence in a somewhat unpopular way, but he is frank in stating the principles of Paul’s thinking.
For example, Paul has been criticised for being carnal. But he says that the Christian life is not incompatible with a life of obedience to Christ, nor with a spiritual, carnal life that tastes the fearful power of God (v.5). He tells us not to look at people from above, but to consider carefully what it means to live a life that belongs to Christ (v. 7).
Paul was also denied his apostleship. In response, Paul says that he is sure that he is an apostle and that he is building up the church in Corinth to prove it (v.8).
Paul was also described as a man who wrote boldly in his letters, but was very weak in person (vv. 9-10). According to tradition, Paul was small in stature, bald-headed, bow-legged, stocky, with a knitted forehead and a hooked nose. He does not seem to have had an appearance that would have made his opponents feel rivalry in the least. But Paul says that if you feel powerful in his letter, be prepared, because he is right.
First of all, beware of those who boast of their power by comparing themselves with others and trying to get the upper hand. He is a different kind of teacher from Christ who washed the feet of his disciples. Do not approach them. The Church is different from society at large, and it is not a world in which mounting takes place. It is simply a place to worship the glory of the Lord. The Word of God is true. So blessings to you all. See you tomorrow on this channel!