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Colossians 3: Pursuing the Life of Christ

1. To seek what is above (3:1-17)

 The Christian faith is not a religion that pursues only intellectual things, nor is it a religion of acquiring some virtue in an ascetic way. It is a walk of faith in which one has a firm relationship with Jesus and lives in His life.

The Christian knows Jesus on the cross. He is a person who understands that the cross is for the forgiveness of his sinful life, and he is a person who has decided to say goodbye to his old life with Jesus. He is a person who has tried to change his life in many ways, but none of them worked out the way he wanted, but he has decided to live with Jesus in faith, knowing that there is hope in the resurrection life of Jesus. The baptismal ceremony was an expression of that decision. After baptism, he said, “I begin a new life with Jesus. So Paul calls Christians who have gone this way to seek the things that are above and to pursue their new life with Christ as their compass.

 Verse 3. I wonder what he means by “you are already dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. The Greeks of that day used to say that when a person died and was buried, he or she was “hidden in the ground. In other words, a person who died to his old self was hidden in Christ. In other words, buried in Christ, he became a person living in relationship with Christ Jesus.

This naturally means that they are less interested in things that Jesus is not interested in, such as fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil desires, greed, or anger, resentment, malice, and cursing. We may have a heart that desires these things, but we realize that there are other things that we should give our attention to. In other words, we recognize that Jesus is interested in charity, kindness, humility, gentleness, and generosity. And we will incline our hearts to wonder what that looks like. If someone you really love cares about something, you want to cherish it with them. If you have a heart that loves Jesus, you will naturally try to live by choosing what pleases Him. This is a different way of living than trying to acquire some virtue in your life in a disciplined way.

2. new relationships (3:18-25)

The second half of verse 18 is like a summary of the second half of Ephesians 5 and 6. For this reason, the book of Colossians is sometimes considered to be a forgery of Ephesians. We do not know the truth of that. But what I am saying here is that when you live in a relationship with Jesus, the results will show up in your everyday relationships.

One such relationship is that of husband and wife. Paul tells us that wives are to obey their husbands and husbands are to love their wives. Husbands tend to love themselves more than their wives, so they should make it a point to love their wives. A wife is a wife, not a maid or a housekeeper. Wives, on the other hand, are predisposed to obey their husbands, so they are encouraged to obey their husbands. A wife who keep her husband under her thumb probably has the same attitude toward God.

Then there is the parent-child relationship. Paul encourages children to be respectful of their parents. It is natural for parents to be strict with their children. This is not out of parental convenience, but so that the child can live a life that is loved in society. Children should respect their parents for their life experience, not for their education or job.

Finally, there is the relationship between slave and master. The slave should be a conscientious worker. In other words, he should think that God gave him this master and serve God by serving his master. Then you will do your best to serve Jesus in everything you do. Workers should work faithfully, not for wages or ambition, but only to remember their responsibility to God. The foundation of all these relationships is a living relationship with Jesus.

The Word of God is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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