【シーズン6】テトスへの手紙3章 実を結ぶ者となる【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













Titus Chapter 3: Be a Fruitful Man

1. Being Transformed in the Lord (3:1-7)

Paul says, “I am the Lord’s servant”. Paul tells us to acknowledge Christ’s authority, obey him, and continue to do good works. He says, “Do good works, not grudgingly, but willingly. In other words, show what you believe by your actions. He says that Jesus went to the cross to redeem us from all unrighteousness and to create a people zealous for good works.

Paul’s concern is that each of us continue to walk according to the truth of the gospel. A life without such diligence produces Christians in name only and dishonors the church.

Therefore, Paul makes a vivid distinction between his present state in Christ and his former state before he was not, saying in v. 3: “In the past we were foolish, disobedient and lost, slaves to various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hated by men and hating one another. But God saved us. There is a “but” here that we need to be clear about.

What is important is what we must compare. It is not others. It is our own past. To think that we are living a so-so life, better than that guy, is an old time story that does not know God. The new life with faith in God always confronts the past. I used to be terrible. I really didn’t care about my family or my co-workers. I am so ashamed of myself. I have to stop repeating myself and move forward to become a new me. Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow is better than today.

Another more important point is verse 5, the words, “The washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit. It is not easy to look back at one’s past and realize one’s pettiness, and then to follow Christ’s example and change into a patient person, a person of love, and a person of righteousness. If you can discipline yourself and live a righteous life, you will have no difficulty. Most of us are just pretending and acting honorable, in other words, we are just being hypocritical. Sooner or later they realize their inability and are devastated.

So Paul says, let the Holy Spirit, that is, God, help you. He says that it is God’s work that changes a person’s character and that we should seek God’s mercy and grace. God, he says, will be pleased and will help you abundantly. Above all, be deeply grateful for God’s love that accepts you as a scrappy person who is unable to move forward in this way. And, encouraged by God’s love, keep moving forward without giving up.

2. at the end (3:8-15)

The word “sect” in verse 10 can be translated as “heresy. They were indulging in foolish discussions, or rather, petty and theoretical biblical debates. Paul makes it clear to Titus that some arguments are useful and others are not. He tells Titus to expel those who engage in such things with a warning or two. I know this sounds harsh, but these are people who are sick with the disease of argument, and there is no way to beat it. It must be left in God’s hands.

Verses 12 and following are personal instructions to Titus. First, he says to come to Paul in Nicopolis. Then he states his plan to send Artemas or Tychiko there. Tychiko was a man who had served Paul in prison in Rome, carrying letters to the churches in Ephesus and Colossae as Paul’s messenger (Ephesians 6:21-22; Colossians 4:7-8; 2 Timothy 4:12). He also asked for the care of Zenas and Apollos while they were in Crete. Zenas the scribe appears to have been a Roman lawyer, not a Jewish scribe. He appears to have been on an evangelistic trip with Apollos. In the earlier letter to the Corinthians, much was written about the problem of the division into Pauline and Apollonian groups, but in the last years of his life, Paul and Apollos were on good terms. 

In verse 14 he encourages the leaders themselves not to be unfruitful. This is probably the most important teaching of all. For there is a difference between a living Christian who bears the fruit of good works, the fruit of godliness, and a Christian in name only.

God’s Word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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