Chapter 2 Pray First
1. An exhortation to pray (2:1-7)
After telling the church to guard against various doctrines, Paul begins chapter 2 with some basic guidelines for what we should value as pastors. The first is to pray. The word “prayer” is broken down into four words: petition, supplication, intercession, and thanksgiving. This gives us a picture of the richness of prayer.
And Paul encourages us to pray for all people, not forgetting kings and authorities. At that time, the godless emperor Nero was on the throne. We are to remember to pray for Nero as well. This includes the leaders of our nation. We pray with thanksgiving, believing that the Lord’s grace will also be given to them. That we may always be godly and dignified, and live a peaceful and tranquil life (v. 2). After all, if they humbly acknowledge the God who rules the whole world and conduct their government with humility and integrity, this would lead to stability in people’s lives.
Therefore, we must pray that all people, including them, may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. And the truth is that there is only one God, that the only mediator between God and man is Christ, and that through faith in Christ one can be brought into a blessed relationship with God. That is why we are evangelists, Timothy, to communicate this truth.
2. Prayer and Creating a Spiritual Atmosphere (2:8-15)
So Paul wants Christians, especially men, to lead this prayer. Perhaps the problem in the church at Ephesus, pastored by Timothy, was a difference in teaching. To stop this doctrinal confusion, Paul teaches us to deal with it by prayer, not by heated discussion. Pray anytime, anywhere, with uplifted hands that are clean. This would mean praying with hands that are not clutching anything, but with hands that have surrendered everything to God. It is the role of men to lead the church in prayer and to create an atmosphere of prayer.
And to the women, verse 9 says, “Be modest and sober, not with showy hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, as is fitting for women who claim to worship God. In other words, it is women who bring a spiritual atmosphere to the church, such as modesty, good works, obedience, and a willingness to learn. Certainly, women add flowers to the church by wearing shiny objects and dressing nicely, in other words, they bring an atmosphere of splendor to the church. However, it is not such glitz and glamour that is needed in the church. Rather, men should take the initiative to create a spiritual atmosphere of prayer in the church. The women are to join their hearts in this spirit.
Verse 12: “I do not permit women to teach or to have authority over men” seems like an anachronistic statement. But Paul speaks of older women teaching younger women in his letter to Titus (2:3-4). Nor did he have a problem with Priscilla teaching Apollos (Ac 18:24-28). Perhaps Paul’s statement is based on the particular circumstances of the Ephesian church, v. 15: “If a woman remains in modesty, faith, love and holiness, she will be saved by giving birth. Again, this may be a discriminatory and offensive statement in this day and age. However, we want to understand that there were special circumstances that compelled him to speak this way. Some scholars believe that there was a tendency not to have children for the sake of beauty or maintaining one’s figure.
Paul’s point, however, was that men should lead the church in prayer, and women should join them in bringing the spiritual atmosphere of the church to every corner of the church, making the church a place of God’s presence that is different from the organizations of the world.
The Word of God is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.