【シーズン6】ヘブル人への手紙6章 旧約の上に成り立つ信仰【聖書】人生100倍の祝福











Hebrews 6 Faith Based on the Old Covenant

1. Striving for Maturity of Faith (6:1-8)

The readers of Hebrews must have been long-time believers. They should have been able to receive and teach the younger generation, but that was out of the question; rather, they were people who needed to start their faith all over again. So the author of Hebrews once again recognizes the immaturity of his own faith and urges them to deepen and increase their faith and take the next step.

So, first of all, he makes it clear that these are the elementary teachings and that we are done with these things. There are six. The six teachings are (1) repentance from dead works, (2) faith in God, (3) the cleansing washing teaching, (4) the laying on of hands ritual or ordination, (5) the resurrection teaching, and (6) the judgment of God teaching.

Let me explain a little. The “deadly deeds” are those found in the “Training of the Twelve Apostles,” a book of questions and answers about faith that was often used in introductory classes at that time. They were murder, adultery, lust, immorality, theft, idolatry, witchcraft, magic, robbery, perjury, hypocrisy, duplicity, falsehood, arrogance, etc. Repentance from these dead works was considered the starting point of faith. Faith in God needs no explanation, but many Christians, even after years of faith, do not have a firm understanding of this point.

The “washing of purification” does not refer to baptism, but to a custom of some Christians of the time, apparently inherited from Judaism. The “laying on of hands” seems to have been a common rite for receiving the Holy Spirit when one came to faith. The “resurrection of the dead” was controversial among the Jews, with the Pharisees and Sadducees disagreeing. In the Christian faith, however, it is not something to be debated, but something to be believed, the foundation of faith. The final “eternal judgment” was also something to be believed and accepted from the beginning (Gen 18:25).

Importantly, none of this was new to the readers of that day; it had already been taught throughout the Old Testament. Therefore, for the Israelites of that time, to have the Christian faith was to taste the substance and life of what they had been taught. Therefore, to fall away from it is to fall back to the old formless faith. It is a faith without substance, just an appearance. It is a faith without life, a faith that can only die.

2. God Does Not Lie (6:9-20)

So the author of Hebrews calls his readers in verse 9: “But beloved. He encourages them to maintain the fundamentals of faith, not to be lax, but to continue to serve others with even greater patience (v. 11), and to go forward, emulating the faith of their elders (v. 12). Faith is simply an accumulation.

He gives the example of Abraham, the father of faith, who said that the reward is great for those who keep on going (v. 15). God also says that the reward is more than a promise, it is a promise. When I was a child, we used to say to each other, “pinky promise, if I lie, I’ll swallow a thousand needles.” God has made us a firm promise that He is prepared to take 10,000 strikes from me with a fist full of hardness, or to drink a thousand needles. We should be amazed and moved to tears at God’s willingness to speak to foolish people in such a way. God does not lie. Let us finish the basics of believing in this God and move on to the next step on the path of faith.

God’s word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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