ペテロの手紙第一4章 たましいをお委ねする
First Epistle of Peter, Chapter 4: Commit your soul
1. live out the rest of your life usefully (4:1-11)
Peter tells us from all angles that we should follow Christ’s example.
One is to live the rest of your time on earth not for your own desires, but for God’s will (vv. 1-3). The life of lust, drunkenness, revelry, boisterous banquets and the pursuit of such temporary pleasures must end, he says. One of the changes that has occurred as a result of the corona outbreak is probably the way we spend our after-five time at work. There are fewer so-called social drinking parties, and more time is spent individually. But there is also a new challenge there, which is getting absorbed in the virtual reality world of smartphones. In this context, we want to think about how to spend time in a way that is meaningful to us and to our families.
When we are left on earth – when we have used up the life we have left – we will stand before God. There we will be asked to give an account of our lives. It is better, then, to listen to God’s words of judgement now pointing out that we are sinners, to give thanks for the forgiveness of sins in the cross of Jesus, and to trust in the promise of entering the kingdom of heaven, and to live a new life.
Living a better life in this way depends on a good understanding of the reality of one’s own ageing and death, and on faith that the world will not remain unjust, and that there is a God who will judge it rightly. Peter writes a series of heartfelt exhortations to Christians who have an apocalyptic awareness that the world will be righted in the end, and that the day will come when all humanity will stand before God, one person at a time.
First of all, the end of all things is approaching, so prepare your hearts and minds, and be self-controlled. In other words, he says, do not live life in a daze. Peter, who had fallen asleep when he should have prayed, probably recalled his own experience (Mark 14:37-40). He also tells us to love one another. This is not to show emotional or affective love, but committed and sincere love. Hatred magnifies things and deepens conflicts, but love makes conflicts smaller and overcomes them.
He also tells us to serve each other with our gifts. Gifts are not only abilities and talents. It is also life experience and upbringing. It does not mean that you have nothing. We will help each other through the rest of our lives.
2. do not fear tribulation (4:12-19).
Peter speaks clearly to Christians in trials. He tells them not to be surprised by trials, but instead to rejoice. It is natural to suffer for doing wrong. But if you suffer unjustly because you are a Christian, that is, because you try to live a righteous life, it is an honour and nothing to be ashamed of. Peter tells us to rejoice.
Certainly there are times in life when we get caught up in relationships we didn’t want to be in, and we lose our footing. But Peter says not to be surprised by every such thing. But Peter says that we should continue in the walk of the believer. And despite your reluctance, you must no longer live the rest of your lives as you did in the past. Because, look at Jesus. Did he not follow God’s will, even though he had an unwilling ending? And is not the victorious Christ with you? Live as a servant of Christ. If you die with Christ, he says, you will be resurrected with Christ.
And the time of God’s judgement has already begun. Let us pay attention. It has begun in the house of God. That is to say, it has begun with those who believe in God, he says. The sifting is beginning to take place between those who have truly put their lives on the line in faith and those who have not. Before we can say that the ungodly and sinners will be judged, we must examine ourselves. The darkness is deepening and the day of God’s salvation is drawing near. Let us walk firmly in faith with a heavenly mindset. God’s word is true. May God bless you. See you tomorrow. See you on this channel.