Chapter 5 Recommendations to Elders and Youth
1. recommendation to elders (5:1-4)
Finally, Peter speaks to those who are called elders in the church, or pastors as we call them today, but who are in leadership positions. The apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy, also spoke of the qualities of elders, and here Peter also speaks of the mindset of elders. There are three things.
(1) First, he says that they should do the work of the church voluntarily, not obligatorily (v. 2). Elders who do not move unless they are told to do so, who only do what they are told to do, are not good elders. (1) First of all, you must not do what you are obligated to do, but be willing to do the work of the church on your own initiative (v. 2).
Next, he tells them to abandon the mind that seeks lowly gain and to do good works (v. 2). However, this does not mean that we should take on everything for free (1 Timothy 5:17-18). He is warning us not to covet the benefits of our work.
Finally, he tells them not to seek to rule but to serve as an example (v. 3). When one takes a leadership position, there are those who just wield power. However, church leaders are not commanders, but nurturers. What is expected of leaders is to nurture and nurture each person with the Word of God and bring them before God. They are also expected to teach themselves, to live the life of Christ, to taste first the richness and height of God’s grace, and to be able to share the same taste with others.
2. recommendation to young people (5:5-)
Next, beginning in verse 5, Peter goes on to write his recommendation to the young people and the entire congregation. There are four major ones.
(1) Obey. Already, Peter has repeatedly spoken of “obeying” as a theme that runs through this letter. He has already mentioned three major ways to obey: submission to political authority (2:13-17), slaves obeying their masters (2:18-25), wives obeying their husbands (3:1-7), elders obeying God (5:2), and finally, young people obeying their elders (5:5). It would be important for young people to learn to serve others in their younger years. It is important to learn to serve others when you are young, because only by understanding the feelings of those you serve can you become a good leader and a considerate person. Those who skip this step and stand on top of others will end up as arrogant leaders who simply wield power without consideration and without the ability to finalize and carry things out.
(2) Be humble. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, which is the period of training God has given you. The story of Joseph in Old Testament times is a good example. Hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, and then misunderstood by his master and made a prisoner, Joseph’s life was not mere misfortune, but a humbling under the mighty hand of God. When we are put in a situation where we are twisted in some way, we must learn from it, knowing that it is all God’s will. God will raise you up at just the right time.
(3) Give your worries over to God. Those who have gone through the process of being yielded to God’s powerful hand will be able to accept the Word of God. There is nothing to worry about. God will take good care of you.
(4) Resist the devil. Peter is trying to tell Christians under persecution that this current hostile movement is not just human hostility but demonic power behind the hostile man. He is also saying that no person should be seen as an enemy, that we should be aware of those who seem to be possessed by demons, and that we should pray for people to be delivered from their power. Indeed, there was a time in Japan’s history when the emperor was worshipped as a god, and many young men were sacrificed in war. That era was a time of madness, when people were more than demons, but rather created demonic people. We must pray for deliverance from such a demonic movement of the times.
Although we cannot see God, He is certainly there. That God is righteous and gracious. By having such faith, we should be people who endure hardships and bring God’s peace and grace to our families, friends, and neighbors. God’s grace is a sure blessing.
God’s Word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow. See you on this channel.