【シーズン6】ヤコブの手紙2章 信仰と行い【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













James 2: Faith and Works

1. pure and undefiled religion (2:1-13)

 When we have faith, we want to change the way we think and act.

 Continuing from chapter 1, James addresses the issue of “favoritism,” or the unjust preferential treatment of certain people or groups. In other words, showing undue favoritism to a particular person or group. The opposite of this is what we should call “discrimination,” but the result is the same. The idea is to cleanse the church of the world’s custom of singling out certain people for special treatment because of their prestige, power, or financial resources. However, we often think we are purifying the church. This is because we are so immersed in an organizational culture that favors certain groups or individuals that we are unaware of it. We are also unaware of the psychological biases that have taken root in our minds in various forms. We need to be aware of them.

 The Church is God’s family living in His love. It is our family. It is a communion of destiny, where we all help each other and complete the pilgrimage together, without missing a single person. In this flat relationship, if someone starts to show favoritism, it will be a very uncomfortable act. No, James says, it is an act that dishonors the name of Christ (v. 7).

After all, if we have become disciples of Christ, we should be followers of Jesus’ greatest commandment, the commandment of love. Loving others is not a matter of sprinkling kindness. It is the strength to do what is right, an act of courage. It is a healthy, powerful heart and action that overturns misguided social norms.

 And Jacob says. If you fail on the one point of favoritism, you have ruined everything (v.10). It is not okay because I never killed anyone. It would be the same if I had committed adultery, Jacob says. So if you break one of the Ten Commandments, it is the same as if you broke them all. In this context, it should be noted that the commandment to “keep the Sabbath” is placed on the same level as the commandments against murder and adultery. If we do not have a heart that puts worship first, then we are all screwed.

 Hmmm, that is harsh! You are trying to live a new life as a Christian, and that is a very hard hurdle to overcome! Do you think it is too hard? It is not. James does not see the law as a bondage, but as a “law of freedom” (verse 12). We have thoughts, but the reality is that we cannot obey the law. The apostle Paul openly describes this struggle in Romans 7. What was Paul’s conclusion there? In chapter 8, Paul says, “Therefore no one who is in Christ Jesus can be condemned. In other words, he is thanking God for His deep love that never gives up on us who do not obey the law. In other words, God never gives up on us, even when our reality is that we cannot live according to the law at all. The law teaches us the depth of sin, but also the depth of the love of the cross of Jesus. It also teaches us that we are set free in the cross of Jesus. This love of God sustains us and gives us the grace to challenge the heights of God’s holiness tens of thousands, even millions of times. Thus, in God’s mercy and freedom, we are taught to be merciful to ourselves and to others (v. 13).

2. faith and action

With God’s mercy as a premise, verse 14 tells us to add works to faith. However, works are not a prerequisite for salvation. No matter how many good deeds one accumulates, one cannot be saved by them. Salvation comes only through the cross of Jesus. And if we have repented and been saved through the cross of Jesus, let us walk in newness of life, sustained by the mercy of God. v. 22, Living the truth of the gospel should be expressed in one’s actions. 

 James goes on to give specific examples of this (vv. 21-23). First, Abraham, who was respected as the father of the Jewish nation. What he did was simple. Abraham was told to offer his son to God. Abraham simply obeyed God’s word. He demonstrated his faith in God by his act of obedience (Genesis 22). Another example is that of Rahab, the Gentile prostitute. Rahab was not a Jew, but she believed that the God of Israel was the true God (Hebrews 11:31). And she testified to this faith by the dangerous act of harboring a scouting party of her enemies, Israel (Joshua 2:6, 17-27).

 And James concludes, “As the body is dead without the spirit, so faith without works is dead” (v. 26).

 Paul emphasized trust in God’s grace. And James encourages us to be thankful for God’s grace and to be proactive in our new walk as Christians, sustained by it. A Christian who only believes and learns is like an apprentice or a visitor. After all, faith is not developed by reading blogs or listening to YouTube. It is like reading a book on muscle training and not doing any muscle training. You just think you understand. It is to be developed in the fellowship of the church.

 God’s Word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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