11. 罪を犯さない(3:1-10)
1 John 3 Love one another
1. without sin (3:1-10)
Like a spiral, John gradually deepens what he says: In chapter 1, John told us that Christians are to live in relationship with God. Then, in chapter 2, he taught that the most important part of this is to follow God’s teachings and to love God and people. In chapter 3, we will discuss the characteristics of the relationship between God and man. In other words, he said it is a parent-child relationship. He speaks of it as a deep relationship of kinship. The important thing is to be nurtured and to learn from this parent-child relationship.
In verse 2, John says, “We are already children of God. As we grow up, we are often surprised to find that our nature, speech, and behavior are exactly like those of our parents. We are sometimes surprised to find that we behave just like the parents we hated. Perhaps it is the same logic. When you are reborn as a child of God, you will find yourself behaving in a way that is congruent with God’s nature and behavior. The child of a frog will be like a frog, and the child of God will be like God. And if you repent of your sins and love and worship Christ, you will be even more like Him. Christ is holy, so you want to be holy too, you say. In other words, verse 6: “No one who abides in Christ sins.
But how can anyone in this world be sinless? How can anyone who believes in God and follows His teachings be so holy? John says, verse 8, “He who sins is of the devil,” verse 9, “No one who is born of God sins…he cannot sin,” verse 10, “This makes the distinction between the children of God and the children of the devil clear. What an amazing thing to be a Christian, isn’t it?
However, it is worth noting what John is trying to say about sinning and not sinning. He paraphrases it as loving your brother and not loving your brother. Remember that in the previous two chapters he also said that to keep God’s Word is to live in God’s love, to love what is lovable. To sin or not to sin is specifically to love and not to love others.
2. love one another (3:11-24)
In this light, a holy life, a life without sin, depends on the practice of love itself. So John says: v. 11, “Let us love one another”; v. 14, “He who does not love will remain in death”; v. 15, “Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer”; v. 16, “You should lay down your life for your brother. And verse 17: “How can the love of God abide in a man who has the goods of this world, but when he sees his brother in need, he closes his heart of mercy to him? …Let us not love with words or with our lips, but with deeds and in truth…” John is not speaking in the abstract. John does not speak in the abstract, he speaks concretely. John is not speaking in the abstract, but in concrete terms, saying that to love someone is to actually give form to our hearts when we have compassion.
What comes to mind when you think of living a holy life? Not drinking, not being promiscuous, not using foul language, not lying, not engaging in sexual misconduct, not doing anything that violates the law? But John’s focus is on valuing the relationships we have been given; valuing our relationships with our parents and siblings and closest friends; loving what we love. And when someone has a challenge, we care for them, we are there for them so that they can stand, we support each other and sometimes bear the pain, we have depth in our love, and that is the holiness of God, he says.
Certainly, holiness is ultimately manifested in deep love. John says in v. 23: “Love one another, this is God’s command. In a sense, this is the sign of holiness, of being of God. What is really needed in these chaotic times is not the superficial beauty and holiness of not doing anything wrong, but to live in deep love that encourages people from the heart. Then the word of God is true. May God bless you. See you tomorrow on this channel.