【シーズン6】ヨハネの手紙第一4章 キリストの神性を認める【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

1ヨハネの手紙4章 キリストの神性を認める








1 John 4: Recognizing the Godhead of Christ

1. Distinguishing False Teachings (4:1-6)

 John again addresses the problem of false teachers. Antichrist” is John’s way of saying “Antichrist. He says, “Antichrist” is a very typical way of saying “Antichrist. He says that we must be careful because there are some beliefs that use the same Bible words but are not similar to each other. Behind John’s saying this was the problem of “prophetic” activity that also existed in the church in Corinth (1 Corinthians 12:14). John says, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit. In other words, if someone tells you that this is the true teaching of God, do not easily fall for it. If you hear someone say that what you are hearing is not true and that this is the correct teaching, you must first carefully examine whether it is “from God” or “the deception of a false prophet. I have heard it said that some heretical teachings first establish a close personal relationship and then draw you into their heretical world by saying that conventional Christianity may have taught this, but in fact the true teaching is this.

 So let’s look at what John says as the key to identifying heretical teachings. First, he says that it comes down to whether or not you acknowledge Jesus Christ as God made man. In fact, this was the problem of the Gnostics of that time. For example, there was a Jew from Asia Minor named Kerinthos who was a Gnostic. He claimed that Jesus of Nazareth was only a “just and wise man” and denied his divinity and messiahship. But these problems were not unique to that time. In Japan, similar heretical beliefs have had a major impact on the Christian church since the arrival of the Unitarian missionary A.M. Knapp in 1887. They reject the traditional Christian theological position of the Trinity and consequently deny the divinity of Jesus. The same is true of the well-known Christian heresy of Jehovah’s Witnesses. They do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity and consequently deny the divinity of Christ. But what distinguishes Christianity from Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism is none other than the divinity of Christ. It is whether one sees Christ not as a guru, not as a great teacher, but as God. By this, John says, you can distinguish false teachings.

2. to understand God’s love and to live in that love (4:7-21).

 And second, he is to carefully examine the teachers whose teachings he is following to see if he is living in relationship with Christ, the Son of God (v. 7 onward). Does he understand that he is first loved by God through Christ? John says, v. 10: “For our sins he sent his Son as a propitiation. In this is love.” To appease God’s wrath, Christ took the punishment of this cross in our place. It is up to the teacher to convey the truth that God’s love was expressed in abundance right there. And at the same time, whether he lives in the depth of that divine love. In other words, whether he is firmly committed to the Cross or not.

 And by the way, if you understand God’s love, you will not fear the day of judgment. We will not fear the day of meeting God, the day of the final judgment. It is a wonderful day to meet the God who has loved us so much. Unfortunately, those who fear God’s judgment are those who do not understand God’s love well.

 And if we knew God’s love, we would want to live in that love. We are not afraid of God’s love because God’s love for us opens our eyes to the love we believe in. We will be deeply taught how to truly love and treat others. And all our relationships, whether husband and wife, parent and child, or at work, will become new and tender. The blessing of having the Christian faith is manifested in these areas. God’s Word is true. May God bless you. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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