【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録12章 天上の戦いの勝利【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

  1. 女と竜(12:1-9)
    Revelation 12: Victory in the Battle of Heaven
     There was once a time in Japan, during the reign of the third Tokugawa Shogun, Iemitsu Tokugawa, when there was a national and systematic persecution of Christians in an attempt to exterminate them.
  2. the woman and the dragon (12:1-9)
     A “great sign” or “woman” and a “great red dragon” appeared in heaven. In order to understand these symbolic expressions, some studies have examined their relationship to classical Jewish literature (Jewish tradition). In other words, they examine their relationship to the books of the Old Testament and to the literary works that Jews read along with the Bible at that time. This is because the expressions in Revelation are very similar to the symbolic expressions in these works, and it is believed that John was also exposed to such works.
     The characters “a woman (verse 1)” and “the dragon” are considered in relation to “the woman and Satan” in Genesis 3:15. Thus, the description of the woman as “clothed with the sun” is also considered in relation to Psalm 104:2. In other words, in the Israelite tradition, the true Israel was thought to shine with the glory of God like the light of the sun. Similarly, the “moon” is understood to symbolize victory over the forces of darkness, and the “crown of 12 stars” is understood to be the stephanon, the crown of honor, symbolizing the 12 tribes of Israel.
     And this woman was targeted by Satan and was about to give birth to a child. In relation to the earlier Genesis 3:15, the woman is the true Israel that produced the Messiah. Among the Israelites, those who honored God, believed in Him and served Him, called the true Israel, prayed for the restoration of faith in secularized Israel, waited for the Messiah and suffered for His sake. The Messiah will be born in the earnest prayer of these true Israelites (verse 5). Then, the “offspring of the woman” can be understood as Christians born of the Messiah up to the present time.
      Next, the character called “the great red dragon” or “the old serpent” is explained as “Satan” in verse 9. It is Satan who deceived Adam and Eve at the beginning of human history and led them into the Fall. The Greek word for “red” is “Pyrrhus,” which is fiery red and symbolizes “slaughter. It is a word that truly expresses the nature of Satan. Furthermore, “seven heads,” seven being a perfect number in the Jewish language, indicates that Satan is a very wise yet cunning being. The “ten horns” are a symbol of power, meaning that he has dominion over the world. In fact, the Greek word translated “crown” is diadema, or king’s crown. It could mean that people live in a world where Satan does whatever he pleases.
  3. the battle between the woman and the dragon (12:10-17)
     Let us focus on the battle between the two. The dragon tries to destroy the Messiah. But he fails and is thrown to the ground (v.7). He loses his place in heaven because Christ has completed the work of the cross, returned to heaven, and declared the forgiveness of sins through the cross to be complete (v. 10). Having been cast out of heaven, Satan now seeks to settle his bitter grudge on earth. Moreover, realizing that his time is short, he launches a final counterattack. It is because of Satan’s fierce anger that the two witnesses were martyred under severe persecution in chapter 11. In any case, he is trying to destroy the true Israel and its descendants, the Christians.
     So chapter 12 is a continuation of the story of the two witnesses in chapter 11. And as mentioned in chapter 11, despite such fierce indignation and attacks by Satan, true Israel will be protected by God (v. 16). But the dragon is not defeated. He becomes more and more enraged and pursues the Christians to destroy them. The Christians are in danger, and their fate will continue tomorrow in chapter 13. ….
     However, it is important to note that chapter 12 describes an invisible battle in the heavens where the battle was won. And since the dragon has been thrown down to the earth, it is important to note that the dragon is making a fierce and decisive counterattack. This earth is filled with various contradictions and unwanted events. This is due to the decisive rebellion of Satan, who has lost his place in heaven. In this sense, for those who believe in God and try to live on God’s side, this earth is a difficult world to live in, a world in which we must be prepared to fight. But in heaven, this is no longer the case. Our victory in heaven is assured, and no one will accuse us or persecute us. A heaven full of rest and blessing awaits us, and this is another encouragement to believers as we head toward the end of time. The Word of God is true. God bless you. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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