Romans 13 The Christian in Society.
1. To Obey the Authority Above (13:1-10)
In the beginning, Christianity was merely a branch of Judaism that arose in a region of the Middle East. Its persecution was also internal to Judaism and concerned the interpretation of canonical texts. However, after the Great Fire of Rome in 64 A.D., Christianity was considered a pagan religion by the Roman Empire and was persecuted nationally and systematically. In 313 AD, however, Christianity was reversed and became the state religion of the Roman Empire. How did such a great turnaround occur?
One reason, it is sometimes said, is this teaching of submission to authority in chapter 13. When the Roman Empire was on the verge of collapse, Christian obedience to power and organizational power was noticed. It is true that the Roman Empire used Christianity to rebuild the state, but that was also God’s plan.
2. consider the historical context
However, it is questionable whether this passage can be applied directly to Christians under state persecution with no regard for human rights in modern times. This is because, during the war, many Christians in Japan also accepted the Kyujo-Yohai(Worshipping the Imperial House from afar )under state religious control. And Japanese pastors dispatched to Asian countries became pawns of state power and forced local people to worship the Imperial House. Of course, there were pastors who did not yield to such trends of the times and were captured, tortured and jailed for not recognising the Emperor as a god. Pastor Keizo Tsuji of Hirosaki Church, to which my grandfather belonged, was one of them. He died in Aomori Prison, and my grandfather and grandmother were also unable to attend church at one time because it was closed. There were people who fought, in fact, in Germany, Pastor Bonhoeffer had started a radical resistance movement against Nazi Hitler. He is alleged to have been complicit in a plot to assassinate Hitler, saying, “If a lunatic drives a car out of control, who will not stop him?” How we should understand chapter 13:1 in the context of a time under persecution is a thought-provoking question.
However, the biblical context should be noted. At the time Paul wrote this letter, there was not yet national persecution. As far as the Acts of the Apostles is concerned, Paul at that time clearly sought the patronage of the Roman Empire and was able to continue his ministry under its patronage. The same is the reason why Luke wrote Acts to Theophilo, a high Roman official. In other words, at this point Paul does not envisage a state that runs amok and ignores law and human rights. So, v.6, ‘paying taxes’ is also recommended as a matter of course. The purpose of this passage is to teach that we should fulfil our responsibilities to the state.
3. The day is approaching (13:11-14)
Of course, it is impossible for a nation to be completely free of problems, but it is necessary to learn from Peter’s letter, written under the persecution of the Roman Empire, how to act when a nation is in an abnormal situation, as Japan experienced in the past. But the basic idea seems to be implied here as well. Namely, v.3 “do good” (1 Peter 2:13-14). Then there is the emphasis on love, v.8, “there should be no hypocrisy toward anyone,” but loving is different. And vv. 9-10, God’s commandments are summed up in love. In other words, when in doubt about what is right or wrong, think and act in terms of love and you will not go wrong. Paul goes as far as this, but in the case of Peter, he says that if you have the power to twist an action based on love, then surrender your soul to God (1 Peter 4:15-16). It may be that Christians do not end in violence or resistance, but in love for others and devotion to God.
And the basis for such a view is that verse 11: “The night is deepening and the day is drawing near” Man does not end when he dies. The time is drawing near when he will stand before God and confess all his sins. (vv. 12,13)”. Even if you feel that you are far from such an invitation at the moment, God knows and invites you, so let us walk in a way that will earn this blessing.