Romans 14: Christian Freedom and Consideration
1. Food and the Problem of the Day (14:1-12)
Having touched on the basics of the Christian faith and its practices, Paul now turns to an issue that seems to have been going on in the Roman church at that time: the issue of food and the observance of certain days. It was a discussion about food and the observance of certain days. Paul touches on this and says that what one eats or does not eat is a matter of personal conviction. And the same goes for how we feel about certain days. He says that each of these ideas should be respected, and that it is not a matter of the essence of faith. He says that the important part of faith is how we live our relationship with God, and that we are free to think about everything else.
But these disputes are not limited to those days. Faith is about the invisible, hidden part of our relationship with God, but more than that, and it is about our relationship with God.
Faith is about a living relationship with God. And there should be diversity in the expression and practice of that faith. If there is something in the expression and practice of faith that makes you wonder what that person is doing, then that person will be held accountable. The time will come when that person will have to answer to God, so we should leave it alone. Since it is God, not man, who judges, you should stop interfering in other people’s affairs and concentrate on growing in your own faith.
2. Keep Joy and Peace (14:13-23)
In verse 13, he says to avoid judging one another and to maintain joy and peace in the church, not to bring such a tense relationship into the church.
By the way, Paul’s “weak in faith” are those who are spiritually young and cannot distinguish between what is essential and what is not. A “person of strong faith,” on the other hand, is one who can make the distinction, but to explain a little more, it is one who understands the spiritual freedom that is in Christ and is free from superstitious beliefs about certain foods, holy days, and the like.
And to add a little more, it is not just being free in thought, it is being flexible. In other words, it is a person who, just because he is free, does not impose that freedom on others. It is a person who can look at the state of the people he is with and decide that it is better to restrain himself, and can willingly limit his own freedom. A person who is not only free, but flexible and considerate in his actions. This is a truly mature Christian, a person of strong faith.
The church is a place where people from all walks of life come together. To accept each other there, we have to be mature as human beings. Even if we say we know what we are talking about, we are not mature enough to actually do it, and we end up clashing. But what makes it a church is that it does not end up in conflict and division. Often it does, but the true church is the one that helps each other in that situation so that they can be reconciled, accept each other, and make peace with each other under the cross of Jesus. It is a church that strives to help one another so that the church is filled with God’s righteousness, God’s peace, and the joy that God gives us.
A church that strives to have an atmosphere and environment where people can grow and develop will undoubtedly have a good witness. To do this, we must have a strong, living relationship with God and not be too demanding, not only of others, but also of ourselves, not demanding more than God demands of us.