【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マタイの福音書20章 神の哀れみを求める









Matthew 20: Seeking God’s Compassion

1. the parable of the laborers in the vineyard (20:1-26)

The parable of the laborers in the vineyard in chapter 20 is recorded only in Matthew. It is not found in any other Gospel. Read simply, the parable as a whole speaks of God’s generosity. What is noteworthy, however, is the before and after of the parable. The same phrases are repeated but in a different order: 19:30, “Many that are first will be last, and many that are last will be first”; 20:16, “The latter will be first, and the former will be last.” The same is true of the parable. In other words, this parable is connected to the story of the rich young man in chapter 19. Therefore, the story of the rich young man and the parable of the laborers in the vineyard must be understood together.

So what is the connection between the story of the rich young man and this parable of the laborers in the vineyard? The rich man was not ready to give up what he had. So Peter says that he has left everything behind and followed the Lord. And he asked himself, “What can I receive? And Jesus said, you will receive a hundredfold. Well, I think that was the end of the story.

But if you think about Peter, he is not the “first” but the “last” of the characters in the parable of the farmer in the vineyard. He was not raised in a religiously zealous home from a young age like the Pharisee, nor did he receive a rigorous religious education. He was brought up in a family with a very careless religious life compared to that of the Pharisees, and in fact, he did not even attend services in the synagogue very often. In other words, he was someone who was hired at a later time in the vineyard, just as his work was about to end. And so, he is a very arrogant person who is trying to get the same wage of eternal life from God as those who have been strictly disciplined in the life of faith from the very beginning.

Jesus, however, promises to give 100 times what he has already given, and here he further confirms the goodness of his promise. Peter, you are a latecomer, coming to work at a time when the work is almost finished. But God is so generous that He will not cancel what He promised you, and He gave a second assurance in response to Peter’s question. Am I the only one who feels grateful and moved to tears at the depth of God’s generosity? I feel as if I am in the same group!

2. the way of the cross, the third warning (19:16-30)

Now, in verse 17, Jesus announces that He will go to the cross. This is the third time (16:21, 17:22). In the previous prediction, the disciples reacted negatively, but here they are somewhat more positive. Only they were thick-skinned and asked to be honored alongside Jesus when He is glorified. Jesus says, v. 27: “Whoever wishes to take the lead, be servant of all” The earlier parable of the laborers is still alive. In other words, be ye “the latter.” It is enough that the latter are the first. I am certain that my disciples will walk the same path as I do. I came not to be served, but to serve, and verse 28, to give myself to a life that will bring many to salvation. So do the same.

The story of the two blind men from verse 29 concludes the evangelism in the region of Perea and summarizes the above story. There are many things in the world that we would like to turn a blind eye to and avoid. But not so the disciple of Jesus who knows the power of God. Just as Jesus served God and carried the cross, so too Jesus’ disciples silently serve God and reach out to the needs of the world. This is a work that can only be done with faith. I pray that today will be another good day.


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