Matthew 21 Entrance into Jerusalem
1. the king’s entrance into Jerusalem (21:1-17)
From here, Matthew’s Gospel enters the final stages of the story. How will we view Jesus? Is he a great teacher, a man who has just lost his mind, or a demonic being? Those debates have been settled with Peter’s conclusion, “You are the Son of the living God. From this point on, the reason why this Son of God came to earth is clarified. In other words, the story of Jesus’ mission and redemption through the cross will be described and explained.
First, Matthew takes up the event of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. When Jesus approached the city of Jerusalem, the crowds noticed and welcomed Him. But this is no ordinary welcome. They laid their coats on the road, and others laid branches on the road. In other words, they prepared the way for the King and welcomed Jesus as the Messiah.
Jerusalem was not that big at that time, so if something like this were to happen, the whole city would have been in a certain mood of commotion. Then a further incident occurred. This incident is generally referred to as the cleansing of the temple. Jesus entered Solomon’s cloister and began to kick out the stalls that lined the cloister. Jesus said, “My house is called a house of prayer. Jesus was angry that the temple was being turned into a place of money-making instead of a place of prayer. But this is a big deal. Everyone would have taken notice of Jesus’ actions.
The episode of the cursed fig tree is then described. In fact, this is an episode that is symbolically inserted. In other words, a temple that is not functioning as a temple is like a fig tree that does not bear fruit in the season of harvest. If Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was the fulfillment of prophecy, the Jewish people should have welcomed him with open arms. They should have been greeted with the finest red carpets, not with coarse jackets and branches, and the king, religious leaders, and ordinary people should have all been there to welcome him with dignity. However, aside from the crowds, the Jewish leaders were antagonistic to the appearance of Jesus.
2. the parable of the two vineyards
Verse 25, there the Jewish religious leaders came to Jesus, asking how could he do this? On what authority do they kick down the stalls in the cloister and appear as if they were kings? They ask him, “How can you do this? Jesus then asks him what he thinks of his authority, citing John, who introduced him to everyone. By what authority was John baptizing? The crowd believed it was on the authority of God. If you deny John’s authority in front of such a crowd, you may invite a riot. But if you admit it, you also admit the authority of Jesus. Therefore, they answered, “We don’t know,” and were deceived. Then Jesus goes further and tells them two parables to clarify their attitude.
The first is the parable of the two sons in the vineyard (vv. 28-32), which speaks of the difference in response between the leaders and the crowd, accusing the leaders of unbelief. Next, the parable of the master of the vineyard on his journey (vv. 33-41) looks back at Old Testament history and points out how the Israelites responded to God. The Israelites have not accepted the prophets sent by God, but have disobeyed and mistreated them. The last heir-son sent is Jesus. They had just captured Jesus and were about to kill him, so this parable pointed out their deception. Verse 44, “the stone” is Jesus, “the people” are those who do not accept Him, and the stone crushing the people speaks of God’s judgment. There are many opportunities in life, but the opportunity to gain the Kingdom of God is the one we must not miss. How do we see and accept Jesus? That is the question. Matthew wants his readers to understand through this event that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament (Zechariah 9:9). So, I pray that you have a good day today.