Matthew 6: Righteousness Superior to the Pharisees
1. religious acts superior to the Pharisees
As I mentioned yesterday, chapter 5 was about the righteousness superior to the scribes, and chapter 6 is about the righteousness superior to the Pharisees. Since the Pharisees are a generally zealous group of believers, the practical aspects of their actions, almsgiving (vv. 2-4), prayer (vv. 5-15), and fasting (vv. 16-18), are discussed, and how Christians are to walk differently.
Regarding almsgiving first, the conclusion is that almsgiving is a natural and modest act. Basically, since Christians are light (5:14), their actions cannot be hidden even if they wanted to. Therefore, even if they don’t make a big deal of self-promotion, if they live naturally, their goodness will be obvious to everyone. A Christian who tries to act pious in public is not a disciple of Jesus, but a child of the Pharisees.
Next, in prayer, if you are concerned about the eyes and ears of others, you are a child of the Pharisee. Prayer is to be offered only to God. It is to tell it to God as it is, without worrying about how it will be received by others.
The Jews of that time had a custom of praying at the temple in Jerusalem three times a day, usually at 9:00 in the morning, at midday, and at 3:00 in the evening. Jesus is referring to the people who came out in public at those times and prayed piously, and says, “Not so. Prayer is for God, so do it in a place where there are no people. He also tells them to stop praying long, rambling, rhetorical flourishes. Then, in verse 9, he gives specific examples of prayer. It is commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer. There are three important points. First, we call God “Father,” which means that Jesus allowed us to enter into a deep relationship with Himself and the Father to pray. So the next thing is to remember God’s mercy in allowing us such a privilege, to praise and worship Him, and to pray for our own physical and mental needs.
Finally, about fasting. The Jews of that time had a fast once a year on the Day of Atonement, as well as fasts in April, May, October, etc., and the Pharisees also fasted on Mondays and Thursdays every week, but they told the Pharisees to stop saying, “I am faithful to these fasts. After all, faith is essentially a hidden relationship with God. It is a matter of how we live in the area of “God knows. The really good things are hidden, but people will seek them out and recognize them.
2. daily acts superior to the Pharisees
The second half of the verse, beginning in verse 19, focuses on everydayness. The scribes and Pharisees emphasized religious acts such as almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. But faith is more than observing religious rituals. Therefore, if we try to live our lives by linking our faith to our lives, we are naturally superior to the Pharisees. If you look at a person’s daily life, you can see what treasures he or she lives for. Even if they attend the same church, there is a difference between those who live with earthly wealth as their treasure and those who live with eternal God as their treasure. They have different attitudes toward things, different ways of using things, and different ways of making use of things. This is exactly what verse 21 says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, Jesus says. The Kingdom of God is about God’s rule, that is, you are you because of God, and from that point of view, you should think and act in everything. It is not so common to find people who really have this attitude. No, we must be diligent in order to acquire it. I think it is a misnomer to call faith a form of cultivation, but I think it is a part of it. And it is not so much that cultivation is effective, but rather that God prepares us as we live in an attitude of cultivation. So I pray that you have a good day today.