【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マタイの福音書12章 安息の主を認め、迎える










Matthew 12: Acknowledging and Welcoming the Lord of Rest

1. the reaction of the Pharisees

People reacted in various ways to Jesus speaking with authority and teaching from the Bible. Today’s passage speaks of the reaction of the Pharisees.

One Sabbath, Jesus’ disciples were hungry. They had just passed a field of wheat, so they plucked an ear of it and began to eat (vv. 1-8). This became a problem. But the Pharisees accused them religiously of stealing what was in someone else’s field, not of taking refuge ethically, but of doing something that should not be done on the Sabbath. Jesus then responded by addressing what David, king of ancient Israel, had done. When David’s men ran out of food, he used the bread from the temple provisions as an emergency measure.

He then said that as a priest, he was allowed to do so, and he raised the issue of what kind of day the Sabbath was in the first place. The Sabbath is like Sunday in modern Japan. For the Japanese people, it is merely a day to physically rest their bodies without having to go to school or work. In Israel, however, it was taught to be cherished as a day specially set aside for God to rest from His work of creation and bless mankind. It was a special day to rejoice in God’s rest. The important thing is to savor and rejoice in God’s rest together. But for the Pharisees of that time, keeping God’s rest was considered to be keeping the Sabbath day, strictly observing the religious rites and rules that should and should not be done on that day. Jesus says that it is not about keeping God’s rest, it is all about how we spend a good “rest” with God.

Next, the episode of the healing of the man with one withered hand is discussed, which points to the same problem (vv. 9-21). As mentioned earlier, the Jews at some point placed more emphasis on keeping the various rules for observing the “Sabbath” than on God’s “Sabbath.” A collection of such rules was compiled in a book called the Mishnah, according to which only the dying could be healed on the Sabbath. The Pharisees, apparently trying to trap Jesus, went out of their way to bring a man with one shriveled hand to see if Jesus would heal him. Jesus again quotes the Old Testament book of Hosea (6:6), saying that on the Sabbath we should keep God’s rest and do what is good for us as human beings. In other words, he says that what is to be valued on the Sabbath is all about loving and rejoicing in God and loving and rejoicing in man.

In verse 20, Matthew, while recounting several episodes of Jesus’ life, quotes Isaiah of the Old Testament to confirm that Jesus is the promised Savior who came to give mankind true rest of soul (11:29).

2. the reaction of the crowd

From verse 23 onward, the reactions of the crowd and their families to Jesus are recorded. Some in the crowd saw Jesus’ words and actions and considered Him to be the promised Messiah. The Pharisees, however, reject their view and call Jesus a demon. So Jesus tells the crowd to be discerning, v. 35, “A good man takes good things out of a good storehouse, and an evil man takes evil things out of an evil storehouse.” The Pharisee then says that he wants a sign, or proof, that you are the promised Messiah. Jesus’ answer is that the only sign that can be given is the sign of the prophet Jonah, who was swallowed by a great fish and returned from the dead. This meant the death on the cross and the resurrection on the third day, which Jesus would later show as evidence.

On the other hand, in verse 46, concerned about Jesus’ clash with the Pharisees, family members came to him. The Pharisees thought Jesus was demonic for declaring that he had authority over the Temple (v. 6), over the prophets (v. 41), and over kings (v. 42). But Jesus’ family feared that he had lost his mind. In the midst of all this, some thought that perhaps he was the promised Savior as prophesied in the Old Testament. How would you accept this? I am about to be asked where I stand on what Jesus said. I pray that you have a good day today.


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