【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書11章 イエスの権威










Mark 11: The Authority of Jesus

1. entrance into Jerusalem (11:1-11)

Beginning in chapter 11, the scene is set in Jerusalem. We enter the story of Jesus’ Passion. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, He sent two disciples ahead of Him. The purpose was to procure a colt for Jesus to use when he entered Jerusalem. It is said that when the disciples went to Jerusalem, such a provision was made for them. There, Jesus rides into Jerusalem on his colt to the cheers of the crowds who recognize him as the Messiah. They called Jesus “the One who was to come,” the Son of David. But this was only a temporary excitement. Later, they would turn around and crucify Jesus.

Anyway, Jesus returned to Bethany once that day after going around the temple in verse 11. Bethany was a small village on the east side of the Mount of Olives, and that is where He stayed. If you visit the Temple hill in Jerusalem today, you will find many excavated ruins of mikvehs, or lodging houses with bathhouses, around it. Rich pilgrims to Jerusalem stayed in such accommodations in close proximity to the Temple. The poor, however, stayed outside the Temple hill, on the Mount of Olives, as Jesus did. Jesus, the Lord of hosts and King of all, shared the same actions with the poor.

2. message through two actions (11:12-26)

On the day after Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, two incidents occurred. One is that Jesus cursed the fig tree and the figs withered. What was the significance of this incident? In the Old Testament, the fig tree is often used as a symbol of Israel. In other words, the curse on the fig tree meant a curse on Israel. It speaks of God’s judgment on Israel for being unprepared for the coming of the Messiah.

But the disciples responded more to Jesus’ one word about the figs withering than to the symbolic message. We tend to have a similar reaction here. In other words, verse 24, “Whatever you pray for, believe that you have already obtained it. Then it will be so,” and we try to apply these words alone to our own profit-making intentions. But the context does not speak of such a thing, and this is the part that should not be applied out of context. So in verse 25, Jesus, while derailing and going along with the disciples’ off-the-mark response, returns to the subject of the need to seek God’s forgiveness.

The incident that followed, called the cleansing of the temple, also conveys the message of God’s judgment. In other words, this incident also symbolically tells of God’s judgment on the condition of the temple, which had become formalized and secularized, and even turned into a tool of business.

3. the authority of Jesus (11:27-33)

The crowds welcomed Jesus as the Messiah, and as if in response, Jesus spoke judgment on the spiritual condition of Israel. The people look to Jesus, who has caused a commotion that seems to overturn the temple, and Jesus’ authority is questioned. By what authority does Jesus do this? Do we honestly recognize Jesus as the Son of God sent from heaven, or the devil, or a madman? Religious leaders were forced to come to a conclusion. If they were to accept Jesus as the devil or a madman, the crowds who recognized him as the Messiah would not remain silent, and a riot would ensue. But they did not want to recognize Jesus as the Son of God either. They replied, “We don’t know. That may have been a wise answer, but it was a conclusion that would result in the judgment of God that Jesus warned about in the miracle of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple. Mark poses the same question to his Gospel readers through this episode. Is Jesus the Son of God, or is he really the devil, a madman? What do you think? I wish you a good day today.


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