Mark 12: The Heart of Jesus, the Son of God
1. the parable of the farmer in the vineyard (12:1-12)
After the incident in which Jesus behaved like a madman in the temple, the Jewish religious leaders began to think of killing Him (v. 18). Jesus sees through their hearts and tells a parable. It is the story of an owner of a vineyard. The owner sends his servants to the farmer to receive a portion of the harvest. The farmer is a Jew, the servants are prophets sent by God from the days of old to the days of Jesus, and the last beloved son is a metaphor for Jesus. In other words, God has sent many prophets to make His will known, but the Jews have turned a deaf ear to their voices, humiliating, beating, and killing them. And they will do the same to Jesus, the Son of God, the last one they sent, right? So, the Jews have not heeded their voices.
Jesus’ death, however, is different from those of the previous prophets: in verse 10, “The stone which they that forsake their houses cast away, it became the chief cornerstone.” At first glance, Jesus was reviled and demonized, and he was killed on the cross, but it was to accomplish a noble purpose of God.
2. the controversy with the scribes (12:13-44)
In other words, yesterday we asked whether Jesus was God, the devil, or even a madman, but it makes more sense to think of Him as God in conclusion. Moreover, the argument with the religious people from verse 13 onward also tells us that Jesus, who is God, is a very sensible and humane person.
Take, for example, verse 13, the argument about taxes. At that time, Palestine was under Roman rule, and its territory was divided into three parts, each governed by an appointed king. However, King Acherao, who was appointed to one of the three, Judea and Samaria, was not competent enough, so this region was under the direct control of the Roman emperor. Therefore, taxes in this region were also ruled directly by the Roman emperor Caisar. The Pharisees, Jewish religious leaders, were strongly opposed to such a tax system and were in conflict with the Herodians, a political party of the regime. Their attempt failed, but Jesus’ words, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s,” are a very common sense exhortation to fulfill one’s civic duty.
As for the theological debate over the resurrection that follows (18-27), Jesus responds rationally, saying that we should think about the afterlife in the afterlife; what matters is how we think about God in the world now.
Finally, when asked by a religious person what is the most important teaching in the Old Testament, Jesus responds simply and clearly, “It is to love God and man” (28-34), which is also a common sense answer that is important in real human life.
In verse 37, Jesus questions and teaches his disciples. He affirms that although Christ is born of David’s descendants, He is more than David, that He is God, the Savior of all people, who transcends earthly powers and rules over all history. How do we accept this? After all, do we acknowledge and accept Jesus as God and follow him or not? What should we do? It may be a difficult decision to make.
The last story contrasting the scribes and the poor widow reminds us of the heart of Jesus. The little widower of the faithful who hides and lives in truth against the covetous and hypocritical religious man. Even if we cannot conclude whether Jesus is God, the devil, or a madman, we should keep in mind deeply that He is the One who finds the desires of the unseen heart and tries to respond to them. From there, we can come to a conclusion about Jesus.