【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書13章 マルコの小黙示録









Mark 13: Mark’s Little Revelation

1. end-time prophecy (13:1-4)

Chapter 13 is called the Little Revelation and is divided into four main sections. First is the introduction (vv. 1-4), which announces the end of the world. Then, an explanation of the forerunner of the end of the world (vv.5-23). Third is an explanation of the end of the world itself (vv. 24-27), and finally, a warning (vv. 28-37).

Herod’s temple was begun around 20-19 BC and took about 50 years to complete. By the time of Jesus, its extensive renovation work was continuing on the mountaintop of Moriah. At that time, there was no civil engineering technology to cut down the top of the mountain and level it. Therefore, a huge stone, approximately 13 meters long, 4 meters high, and 6 meters wide, was used to enclose the top of the mountain to form the foundation on which the temple was built. It was a truly massive construction project, covering an area of 450 x 300 meters, so it is no wonder that the disciples, who had come from the countryside, were amazed when they saw it, as mentioned in verse 1. It was truly a display of human engineering prowess, and it must have seemed like something for the future.

But Jesus clearly affirms. The day is coming when everything that has form will perish. In fact, in AD 70, the siege and attack on Jerusalem by the Roman army destroyed it once and for all. If you go to Jerusalem today, you can see the ruins of the Temple. The walls of the Temple hill have been excavated so that we can still see the walls of the Temple and also the walls that were buried in the ground. The differences between the walls from Herod’s time and those that were restored and piled up afterwards are clearly visible, showing how severe the destruction by the Roman Empire was at that time. According to the historian Josephus’ “History of the Wars of the Jews,” 97,000 people were taken captive at this time, and 1.1 million were destroyed by starvation and the sword. It was also, verse 12, a tragedy, a betrayal that tipped off the Roman Empire and put families and other human bonds in jeopardy. Jesus’ prophecy was fulfilled and those who flocked into the city seeking safety died, and only those who followed his advice and fled to the hills were spared.

2. the end of the world and warning (13:5-36)

By the way, Jesus’ prophecies are not limited to those of the time, but also include futuristic content that concerns us as well. In verse 26, “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with great power and glory,” which apparently is a prophecy of Jesus’ second coming that has not yet come true. In other words, there is a duality in biblical prophecy that speaks not only to readers of the time but also to readers of today. In this sense, we need to keep this chapter 13 in mind.

We also need to be careful about how much of the description should be taken literally, since it is based on the knowledge of the people of the first century A.D. The phrase “in the clouds” is used as if it were a prophecy. The phrase “in the clouds” may be taken by some as a dramatic image of the Monkey King appearing on a cloud, but I think it should be taken only as a symbolic statement that the Jesus depicted in the Bible will clearly be recognized by all as the Son of God, or that such a time will come. It is important to understand that the Bible is not a statement about the world.

What is important is that the Bible, in speaking of the harbingers of the end of the world, encourages us to “wake up and live. Often we live our lives without thinking, following the currents of society. We think we are living our lives proactively, but later we realize that we were just being used and danced around by others. It would be better if we could realize it right away, but later on, we often realize that we have lost sight of ourselves. We want to wake up and live our own lives. We should not waste our lives by belittling ourselves as small vessels. We should always live positively, believing in the Lord’s grace. I pray that today will be another good day.


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