【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書15章 イエスの十字架の意味








Mark 15: The Meaning of the Cross of Jesus

1. the trial of Jesus (15:1-23)

At the time, Judea was under Roman rule, and the authority to impose the death penalty was not recognized. The Jewish leaders, who wanted to put Jesus to death, brought him before the council of the Sanhedrin, the highest court in Judea, for trial, and officially sent him to Rome for trial. Thus, Jesus was put on trial by the Roman “governor Pilate,” who was the chief administrator of Palestine.

However, all of the Jewish trials that brought Jesus to Rome lacked formalities. For example, Jesus was arrested at night, when arrests for serious crimes had to be made during the day. In addition, verdicts, in which the death penalty was predicted, could not be rendered on the same day as the trial; the verdicts were to return home once after hearing the testimony, and then reassemble in the assembly three days later to listen to the accused’s testimony before rendering a verdict. Furthermore, the verdict was to be made by a vote of guilt or innocence, one by one, from the youngest to the oldest member of the assembly, but the verdict against Jesus was made by a simultaneous vote.

No matter how the trial of Jesus turned out, there could be no other conclusion but that he was guilty. Pilate sees through the laxity of the Jews’ tactics and tries to free Jesus by asking the people in verse 14, “What evil has he done? But people are complicated. Pilate, who is supposed to give a fair trial, does what is demanded of Jesus, who is clearly innocent, and condemns him to be crucified in order to please the crowd. Pilate, the judge who was supposed to show public conscience, has fallen to the ground. And not only Pilate, but all the people around Jesus at this time are caught up in the same anomaly. The soldiers who taunted Jesus, the scoffers, the mocking chief priests, and those who stood on the sidelines watching from afar, all somehow were swept up in the momentum of the moment and stopped thinking, and not a single one of them said, “This is wrong! But bullying, which drives people to their deaths, creates such a world for everyone. It is one of the most contradictory aspects of human society. But the image of Jesus, who was placed in such a situation and yet silently and solemnly submitted to it as God’s will, is impressive.

2. crucifixion of Jesus (15:24-)

The Jewish death penalty was usually stoning, and crucifixion was reserved for slaves or foreigners. The body was hung on a “tree” until evening. This was to reveal that the condemned person was under the wrath and curse of God. In other words, the chief priests wanted to flatly deny Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God. They turned their fiercest hatred and anger on Jesus, saying, “Jesus, you are not the Son of God, you are cursed by God, Suck it up! This is truly painful. Jesus did the greatest violence, not only physically, but also spiritually. And it was violence that could only be done by unjust means.

It should be noted, however, that Jesus still did not take the potion given to prisoners to alleviate their suffering. Jesus’ mission was to take God’s curse upon Himself as a substitute for mankind. Jesus did not deceive himself about any of His sufferings, and in verse 34, just before He breathed His last, He suffered the worst punishment of all, being forsaken even by the eternal God. This was the substitutionary death that Jesus suffered. Because of Jesus’ substitutionary cross, which took place 2,000 years ago, the sins of all men are forgiven and they are free from the curse of God. Jesus has done everything necessary for man’s salvation. There is nothing to add. No longer do we need to do any hard work, no longer need to be ordained, no longer need to make any donations, no longer need to perform any religious acts in order to be saved. Let us free ourselves from such religious consciousness and simply receive the saving grace of the cross of Jesus. A Roman centurion who witnessed the whole thing said: verse 39 “This man was truly the Son of God” Is Jesus the devil, a madman, or the Son of God? He who believes in Him, the Son of God, cursed by God, will be saved. So, I pray that you have a good day today.


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