【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書4章 霊的成長の原理









Mark 4 Principle of Spiritual Growth

1. the parable of the sower (4:1-20)

From a Japanese perspective, this parable of the sower is somewhat strange. One would think that one would not sow seeds on the side of the road, on a stony ground, or in a place where thorns grow. However, this makes sense if we understand the method of sowing in Israel at that time. In those days, they cut off the end of a sack filled with seeds, put it on the back of a donkey, and let the donkey walk. They did not make a neatly laid out area for the seed to be sown and sow it in that area, as the Japanese did. Jesus must have seen the loose sowing. He speaks of it in connection with the attitude of the hearts of those who hear the Word of God.

First of all, some people’s hearts are like hard, trodden paths and will not accept the seed. Religious people who are hostile to Jesus can be likened to seeds sown on the side of the road. Others’ hearts are like rocky soil, where the seed cannot put down deep roots. They are the ones who at first listen to the Bible and say, “The Bible is good,” but then back away when something unfavorable comes up. Another person’s heart is a thorn in the ground. These are people who also listen to the words of the Bible, but they have a preoccupation that supersedes the Bible, and eventually their selfishness takes over and the Bible becomes a storehouse. Amidst these various attitudes of mind, there is one person who listens to the words of the Bible in such a way that he or she takes them in and makes them his or her own flesh and blood. This means that they will bear fruit 30, 60, or even 100 times better than what they have heard.

Basically, this parable, 3:35, is a continuation of the story I told you yesterday about a family that values the heart of God. vv. 9 and 23, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” If you want to join the family of God, you must be careful about the attitude of your heart in listening to the Word of God. It is not enough to just listen vaguely; it is still important to listen with a heart that acknowledges God, listens to His Word, and tries to do it. In this sense, we should not continue to read the Bible aimlessly, but rather, we should read the Bible as if we were putting it into practice every day, while carefully considering how it relates to our own lives.

2. start small and grow up big (4:21-34)

After all, it is to allocate time for one’s own spiritual growth. Only then will our spiritual nature be formed. A person who is nourished by God’s Word, who is stable in mind, and who shines brightly will be obvious to everyone. Even if you hide it, one day it will be discovered and noticed. Also, what you have heard is what you will do. God’s Word is a blessing, so there is a return on that investment. Since God’s Word is risk-free and no lottery, those who invest small will make small profits, and those who invest large will make large profits. v. 26 If you take the Bible daily and feed your heart, you will be nourished naturally. I don’t know how it happens. But the Word of God has life. It is continually sown in our hearts, which is why verse 28 says, “The earth produces fruit by itself, first seedlings, then ears, then much fruit on the ears. As I always say, continuity is power. Like a mustard seed, the day will come when the first small seed grows into a large one.

3. the first step (4:35-41)

Immediately after these teachings, Jesus’ disciples were given a test to put into practice what they had heard. Lake Galilee was a large lake, 21 km long and 12 km wide, shaped like an upturned pear and two-thirds the size of Lake Biwa. They were exposed to violent gusts of wind in the middle of the lake, and they were plunged into the fear that their boat might sink. However, when there is fear, it is an opportunity to have the right attitude toward the Word of God. What is there to fear for those who believe in God? We should be able to say, “Bring it on! The winds and the waves and the storms of the world!” I pray that today will be another good day.


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