【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書5章 信仰に生きる








Mark 5: Living by Faith

1. salvation of a man possessed by an evil spirit (5:1-20)

When Jesus’ group crossed over to the other side of the river in a boat, they were greeted by a man who had been seized by an unclean spirit and had come out of the sepulcher. There was no one to rescue him from his illness, and he himself was in a hopeless state, with no place to go but the grave. What an unfortunate sight. But the pain of not being able to control oneself is something we all experience, to a greater or lesser degree. Mark tells us that he was not possessed by one evil spirit, but many. But Mark brings up this episode because he wants to say that even so, there is no need to fear, for in Jesus there is salvation. There are times in a person’s life when they encounter events that make them feel as if they are possessed by the devil. But at such times, the Bible says there is an ultimate solution, a solution through the power of Jesus.

2. healing the sick (5:21-34)

Now Mark makes a distinction between the sick and those who are possessed by demons. This is made clear in verse 25, the example of the woman who had been suffering from long-suffering for twelve years. She had been wandering for a long time, seeking healing for her disease. Unfortunately, she was impoverished and made worse by doctors who took advantage of her weakness to make money. There are times when you think the world is truly rotten. So the woman puts her last hope in Jesus. If she could touch Jesus, she might be saved, and she was rewarded for her burning faith in Jesus. As I said yesterday, 4:20, there are no blank checks, no risks, no “30, 60, or 100 times more fruitful” in a life that hangs on the Word of God. And Jesus detected, found, and praised this looking-up faith in the shawl of his garment. This is precisely what is meant by 4:22, “Nothing is hidden that is not revealed. God is watching the hearts of those whom people do not pay attention to, even those whom people trample on and discard as unworthy.

3. the resurrection of the dead (5:35-43)

Furthermore, the story of Jairus’ daughter teaches us that if we believe in God, we should consider the possible in the impossible. By the time Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house at his request, Jairus’ daughter was already dead. It was too late. But the very time when we humans give up and let go is the time when we should believe in God. Jesus brought Jairus’ daughter back to life. Jesus is the true God, the One who rules over human life and death. The word impossible is not in Jesus’ vocabulary. But the real question is, what are we to make of these episodes that Mark wrote down? For the most part, reason gets in the way, doesn’t it? One seeker said to me as I preached from this episode. ‘That’s how Christianity thinks, isn’t it?’ Indeed…. Yes, it’s a good old story to pass off as an old story, but I wonder if we really need this kind of faith today.

However, I think so. Recently, there was the Noto Offshore Earthquake. And as was the case in the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11 and the Corona disaster, there are times when life is suddenly struck by unexpected suffering that is beyond our ability to handle. And not only for ourselves, but for those who come to us for help, we are sometimes reminded of our powerlessness to do anything. However, at such times, we are encouraged by God who tells us in verse 36, “Do not be afraid, but only believe.” As long as we have life, there must be a way. No matter how advanced our civilization has become, there is a reason why human beings have not abandoned their faith throughout their long history. Faith is an important activity that connects human life. I pray that today will be another good day.


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