【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書6章  信仰の追試験










Mark 6: A Further Test of Faith

1. the events in his hometown of Nazareth (1:1-13)

Mark’s setting shifts from the Jordan (chapter 1) to Capernaum (chapters 2-4), to the land of the Gerasants (chapter 5), and then to Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth. And then the events in Nazareth. The people of Nazareth, who had known Jesus well from childhood, apparently had mixed feelings about him. They could never recognize Jesus as a prophet or even as God.

This was the second time Jesus returned to his hometown after a missionary journey, about a year later (Luke 4:16-30). The first time, the people in his hometown were so enraged by Jesus’ words that they drove him to the edge of a hill and tried to push him off. This second time, they had probably heard the rumors of what Jesus had done in other parts of the country. They try to listen to Jesus. But they still thought he was Joseph the carpenter who lived in the house on the corner. But they are not inclined to believe in Jesus, because their reason gets in the way.

It is a strange thing. If Jesus had been the son of an influential person, he might have responded differently. Or if he had become a big star somewhere and made a name for himself, the whole village might have welcomed him. But God did not make Jesus appear as the son of an influential person or as the biggest star of the time. One might wonder why God did not take a more effective way to make His plan work. But it should be said that it was God’s wisdom to lead a truly compliant man to salvation (Philippians 2:6,7).

Jesus went around teaching the villages near Nazareth and even sent His twelve disciples to expand His ministry. The disciples cast out unclean spirits (v. 7), preached repentance (v. 12), and healed the sick (v. 13). They are encouraged to focus on those who will listen and speak the gospel.

2. the death of John (6:14-29)

Now in this Galilean mission, Jesus first became known to King Herod; verses 17-29 are so-called insertions, recording the arrest of John the Baptist and his execution. At this time, Herod was tormented by remorse for killing John. He recognized John as a prophet and was willing to listen to his words, but his wife’s deception led him to kill John unwillingly. The human heart is complex, and in the parable of the sower in chapter 4, he is just the kind of man whose heart is like the seed sown on thorny ground. Thus, he is described as one who, like the man of Nazareth, failed to properly understand the identity of Jesus.

3. the five loaves and the two fish, the follow-up test of faith (6:30-56)

Now, Jesus and His disciples, pained by John’s sad news, tried to retreat to a quiet place to heal their broken hearts. But the crowd seeking Jesus’ help did not consider such convenience of Jesus. They followed him from one place to another. Jesus was not irritated, but rather “deeply compassionate” toward them. It was foolish for Jesus, the true Son of God, to have a moment of sentimentality, and there was no time to catch his breath while he ate his meal. And yet, Jesus was still directed to the desperate hearts of the people. I would say that Jesus’ life was totally dedicated to the will of God. We think of him as a mirror of the devotee, but it is not so easy to go that far, but Lord, let me grow, we pray. Moreover, in verse 45, it is impressive that Jesus, unlike the teachers of the world, is attentive to his disciples and moves around in detail. This is exactly the kind of servant leadership, isn’t it? Instead of standing on top and running his mouth, he moves his hands and feet. And the miracle of calming the storm that follows is the same as the one in chapter 4. It was like a follow-up test for the disciples. However, the disciples again fail! They recognized Jesus as God, but failed to put their faith to work. They were saying, “Pull yourself together. It is I. Don’t be afraid. When you can stand on your own feet and let others stand on theirs, you will be a man of faith. Let us be better today than we were yesterday, and let us advance on the path of faith training. I pray that today will be another good day.


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