【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書7章 心を大切にする信仰










Mark 7: A Faith that Cares for the Heart

1. ancestral tradition rather than the law (7:1-13)

It is said that Mark’s Gospel was written with a Roman audience in mind. Therefore, commentary is added for things that only Jews would understand, and verses 3 and 4 are a perfect example, telling the reader that there was a religious ritual of washing hands that was cherished by the Jews. However, verse 3 it says, “the tradition of the people of old.” In other words, it was a different teaching from the Old Testament law. Therefore, Jesus criticized in verse 8, “You have forsaken the commandments of God and hold fast to the traditions of men.” Biblical scholars who study Judaism in Jesus’ time make it clear that there were circumstances in which the Jews valued the lore of men of old, which specifically prescribed the Sabbath, food, circumcision, etc., created based on it, more than the Old Testament.

The religious rite of washing hands in verse 4 is one such ritual, which has a different meaning than hand washing in today’s hygienic sense. In fact, this cleansing ritual involves holding out both hands with the fingertips facing up and pouring about a ladleful of water over them until the fingers and wrists are wet. Next, the fingertips of the hands are turned downwards and water is poured over them, running down the arms to the fingertips. The Jews of the time would say that if they did not observe this series of rituals, they were religiously impure. The Jews of the time strictly observed this ritual and expelled any religious leader who failed to observe it even once. It is also said that some of the imprisoned Jews used the water they were given to observe this ritual, and as a result, some of them did not drink the water and almost died.

The same is true of the saying in verse 11, “korban.” Korban means “offering” in Hebrew. Some Jews had made their entire wealth into an offering, or korban, to God, so that they no longer had money to care for their parents, and so they abandoned their obligation to provide for them. This is an abuse of religion. Jesus pointed out that hypocritical reality and pointed out that by following “lore” they were neglecting the fundamental Old Testament teaching to “honor father and mother.” v. 13 “Doing many things like this,” or pretending to honor God outwardly, but not following His commandments, the reality of faith Jesus was not following God’s commandments as a human being. Jesus pointed out the sin of man’s misguided religious zeal and misuse of religion, and clashed with the scribes in insisting on a return to the spirit of what the Old Testament teaches.

2. exploring the heart (7:14-23)

I believe that these issues are not a thing of the past. Jesus speaks of the need to focus on the human heart, v. 21. Faith is an act of exploring the state of one’s own heart and elevating it. It is not a matter of physical appearance.

Therefore, if, in defending our faith, we in any way trample on the hearts of others, or take a poor view of life and existence, then we are on the wrong path. Therefore, if we ever abandon our responsibility and care for our families and surroundings because of the church, we are doing the same thing as the Jews of that time. Indeed, the church cannot have its work without the proactive, active service of each member of the congregation. So I am not saying that you don’t have to serve. However, it is important that we do not neglect our responsibilities at home and in the workplace, and that we value their care and concern, so that both their faith and their activities in the church will be viewed with respect at home and at work.

3. people whose hearts are treated with care (7:24-37)

In verse 24, the woman of Slo-Phoenicia was a Gentile, unclean in the eyes of the Jews. What Jesus was looking at was the heart of this woman. There was a deep trust in Jesus that He would take care of her problems, and a single-minded love to save her daughter. The same is true of the healing of the deaf and mute man in verse 32. Jesus’ attention was focused on the hearts of those who brought this person to him. There was a faith and love that pleaded for him. A heart that deeply trusts God and a walk of faith that lives in God’s abundant love is what we should cherish. I pray that today will be another good day.


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