【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書8章 メシヤキリスト











Mark 8: Christ the Messiah

1. feeding of the four thousand (8:1-21)

The miracle of the bread was mentioned earlier in 6:30-44. Mark mentions a similar article twice. The apostle John, on the other hand, says that Jesus performed many miracles (21:25), but does not cover this kind of article at all. Perhaps this is because John had already read the three earlier gospels when he wrote his gospel. In other words, John may have thought that there was more to cover than these. We will discuss these characteristics of John together later.

Anyway, what is noteworthy in this second article is the content of the dialogue between Jesus and his disciples that took place after the miracle. In other words, Mark’s concern was not with the greatness of Jesus’ power in filling the stomachs of 4,000 people. Rather, it was in the disciples’ inability to learn as they were rebuked, “Do you not yet understand, do you not yet realize?”(v.17). People are often told about the faith and think they understand it. But in reality, they do not understand it at all, and sometimes it is not until much later that they understand its true nature.

In that sense, the following episode, which only Mark takes up, the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida, is symbolic of the reality of our ability to learn about faith. In other words, this miracle does not happen instantly, but is completed over time. Faith also matures over time. It is an experience of watching and deepening our faith with the expectation that what God has told us will come to pass.

In fact, Mark, as Peter’s interpreter, must have had to repeatedly interpret this miracle that took place in Peter’s hometown (John 1:44). Through this experience, he came to realize that it conveyed an important aspect of faith, and he wrote it down specifically.

2. Peter’s Confession of Faith (8:27-38)

In verse 27, Jesus and His disciples went out to the villages of Philip Caesarea. It is now a place of abundant water and greenery, a must-visit on the pilgrimage to Israel. There Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do they say that I am? Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ. This meant a clear acceptance that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament.

Curiously, Jesus stopped short of telling anyone of his conviction. This was probably because they were not as familiar with the meaning of “Messiah” as they were with “faith. In fact, the image of the Messiah that Jesus spoke of was far from what they expected. They were expecting a Savior who would be a political liberator, just like ordinary people. But what Jesus was expecting was a more spiritual Savior.

Therefore, Jesus explains the same thing over and over again three times in 9:31 and 10:33, trying to make it clear that the promised Messiah is a spiritual liberator, that is, a being who took the place of humanity on the cross, incurred God’s wrath, and brought about reconciliation with God. Jesus tells us that His mission is not to conquer the world with words and power, but to become the appeasing sacrifice of God on the cross to save the souls of all.

Verse 34, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and come and follow me,” “deny” is also translated as “reject” To renounce oneself is not to deny one’s selfish self and hold oneself down, as is commonly thought. Rather, it is to become aware of our tendency to reject God. It is about noticing, acknowledging God, and valuing living in dialogue with God. In other words, cling to God and follow him. For those who understand the weight of the cross they are now carrying, it should be called the word of salvation. I pray that today will be another good day.


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