【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書9章 神の支配に生きる

マルコの福音書9章 神の支配に生きる











Mark 9: Living in God’s Reign

1. the Transfiguration Mount (9:1-6)

Verse 1: “There are those who will never taste death until they see the kingdom of God coming with power. First of all, “the kingdom of God is coming in power” can be said to refer to the various great events of Jesus’ life, which are completed with the cross and resurrection, and to the events of Pentecost, the day of Pentecost, when the certainty of Jesus’ words was recognized. They were able to taste the splendor of their life while they were still alive.

So we can say that the events on the Mount of Transfiguration, described from verse 2 onward, were also a concrete example of “the coming of the Kingdom of God in power. Jesus took only Peter, James, and John up to the high mountain. There, a change in Jesus’ appearance took place. The Greek word translated “change of appearance” is metamorphosthai. It is a special word used to describe the transformation of the gods into human beings or, conversely, the transformation of human beings into the image of the gods. It also says that Jesus’ garments shone pure white. In Judaism, white is the color of the divine world, so this means that Jesus represented Himself as a divine being who transcended worldly sensibilities. In other words, here the disciples had an experience that convinced them that Jesus was nothing but God! They had an experience that convinced them that Jesus is nothing other than God! Then, in verse 6, Peter was “struck with fear. Peter later said that he was “an eyewitness of the majesty of Christ” (2 Peter 1:16). Peter was a man who experienced witnessing the presence of God in the midst of the many things that people experience, which means that it was a terrifying experience.

2. casting out the spirit (9:14-29)

Now, when they got off the mountain, the other disciples were in trouble. They were unable to cast out the evil spirits and were troubled by the religious people who were getting more involved (v. 14). Oh, these are unbelieving times” (v. 19), something that seems to irritate Jesus a bit. Here, we are tempted to excuse ourselves from the position of the irritated disciples. If only there had been something special like what Peter experienced, he would have been able to cast out the evil spirits, too. In other words, our reality is that we cannot say straight out, “Please help me,” like the father here, but can only show half-hearted faith, saying, “If you can, please help me. We may say with our mouths that we believe in God, but the substance of that belief is flimsy.

3. keep your saltiness (9:30-50)

Oh, if only we had an experience like Peter’s! Yet even Peter, who had such an experience, later betrayed Jesus. I guess the important thing is to become more aware of such unbelieving spiritual reality of ours. In other words, to become more aware of the way we are like a seed sown on thorny ground (chapter 4). We believe in God, but the world and the lusts of the world also fill our hearts, and of course, the fruit of faith does not come to fruition.

From verse 30 onward, the disciples are absorbed in a debate about who is the greatest. That interest, that discussion, is the very heart of the thorny ground. In this way, we may understand that we are like a seed sown on thorny ground in every respect.

At any rate, to such people Jesus taught in verse 35, “Be ye servants to all,” and in verse 37, “Be like children. Let us understand well the truth of what Jesus said. In other words, those who serve are entertained, and they operate on different principles and senses than the customers. Children, too, live with very different ideas and senses than adults. In other words, Jesus is saying that we are to live by completely different principles and senses than those who do not believe in God.

Otherwise, how could he possibly say in verse 50, “Be the light of the world and the salt of the earth”? The important thing is, Lord, give me principles and senses that are completely different from those of the people of this world. Give me a heart like a child’s, only through your mercy, deliver me and change me, I pray. Let us pray! Now I pray that you have a good day today.


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