Mark 1: The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry
1. the beginning of the gospel (1:1-13)
Mark’s Gospel omits the episode of the birth of Jesus; in verse 1, Mark begins his Gospel with “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,” and proceeds to write briefly about John the Baptist’s activities, Jesus’ baptism, the temptation in the wilderness, the Galilean mission and its main points. This is characteristic of Mark’s Gospel. Matthew had carefully covered Jesus’ teachings and compiled a collection of five sermons in his gospel. But Mark focuses on Jesus’ actions.
So, as you read the second Gospel, there is something I would like you to keep in mind. The Gospels were not written by Jesus, but by his disciples about him. In other words, there is Matthew’s perspective on Jesus, and there is Mark’s perspective. It means that there are two observations. Also, Matthew and Mark each have a different audience for what they were trying to say about Jesus.
For example, in verse 9, Mark records that Jesus was baptized by John, but this article Matthew’s Gospel is longer and more detailed. Matthew adds to Mark’s article the significance of Jesus’ baptism and the pushback he had with John. This is probably because at the time Matthew wrote this, there were circumstances in the early church that made it necessary to talk about the significance of Jesus’ baptism. Matthew added what he thought needed to be said. Although the Gospels are the sayings and deeds of Jesus, we need to read them with an awareness of the dual speakers: the words of Jesus and the authors who were trying to convey the words of Jesus.
2. Jesus’ Mission to Galilee (1:14-45)
Now, after Mark records the temptation in the wilderness, he records the Galilean mission. Mark’s style of writing is really a simple and to the point style of writing. This is probably because Mark had a Roman reader in mind. The Romans were results-oriented, impatient, and interested in accomplishments.
First, at the beginning of his Galilean ministry, Jesus invited Simon and Andrew to become his disciples (vv. 16-20). They immediately followed Jesus. When they subsequently entered the synagogue to teach, the people, too, recognized Jesus’ authority (vv. 21-28). Jesus has no title. It is truly a contest of ability to speak. And the people could not help but feel the power of Jesus’ words. Mark goes on to record a series of Jesus’ healings. First, the healing of Peter’s wife (vv. 29-31). This impressed Jesus, who was not like the religious people of his day, in two ways. First, the healing took place on the Sabbath. Jews were taught to keep the Sabbath day with great solemnity. So, in verse 32, people brought their sick to Jesus for healing after the Sabbath was up, which was normal. But Jesus broke that normality. Also, the teachers of the time did not allow women to serve at the table, but Jesus accepted it. The people had the impression that a whole new wind was blowing in the direction of what Jesus was doing. The same is true of the healing of the man affected by tsara’at (vv. 40-45). On this occasion, Jesus stooped down and extended his hand to heal him. A teacher of the time would have turned away. In other words, Jesus made a completely different impression in His words and in His behavior than the religious leaders of His day. Jesus says, v. 38: “Now I will preach the gospel there also. The purpose of Jesus’ ministry was to preach the gospel, the good news from God. The faith of which Jesus speaks is not the kind of faith that makes one goose-stepping into religion. It gives new excitement, life, and challenges to life. I wish you a good day today.