【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ヨハネの福音書13章 十字架への道










John 13: The Road to the Cross

1. to serve and to give life (13:1-20)

From this chapter 13, John’s Gospel enters the second half of the book. The series of miraculous episodes that testify that Jesus is the Messiah and Savior has come to an end, and from here on, we are told of Jesus who, as foretold, offers Himself on the cross, moving toward the accomplishment of His mission to deliver humanity from the wrath and curse of God.

First, John traces the memory of Jesus taking a pitcher of water and a washcloth and beginning to wash the feet of each of his disciples. Jesus taught them to “wash one another’s feet,” an example of Jesus’ irreverence and service.

In those days, it was customary for Israelites to bathe and go out when invited to a meal. However, unlike today, when people wore sandals on dusty streets, their feet would get dirty after bathing outside. So, they would sometimes have to wash their feet again at the house they were visiting. Usually, a slave with a pitcher of water and a towel would greet them and wash their feet, but often they would wash each other’s feet. Often they would wash each other’s feet. Peter refused.

We should remember the following words of Jesus as recorded by Mark. The Son of Man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) Jesus taught his disciples to serve, but this was based on their readiness to give their lives through the cross. Such thoroughness and true reverence of Jesus, and the fact that Jesus, who is God, served them in such a way, both amazes us and compels us to revere Him.

2. two betrayals (13:21-38)

Beginning in verse 21, we are told of Judas’ betrayal. At that time, only Jesus knew in advance of Judas’ betrayal according to the Old Testament prophecy (v. 18). Many people are familiar with the Last Supper in the image of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece. However, paintings often reflect the culture of the time and place of the artist. It is believed that this Last Supper was actually also eaten lying down around a low table, according to the customs of the time. They lay on their lower left side, supporting themselves on their left elbow and eating with their right hand. That is how the situation occurs in verse 25, when John, leaning against Jesus’ chest, says to Jesus, “I am the one who is going to eat. So Jesus was probably in a position to lean against Judas’ chest, which means that Judas was lying behind Jesus. So we can also imagine Jesus looking up and softly whispering, “What you are about to do, do quickly. In response, Judas stood up to betray him.

With this, Jesus moves on to the mission of the cross, from which there is no turning back. But Jesus speaks of it as returning glory to God, who will also reward him for his deeds, that is, returning glory to the Son of Man. John tells us, however, that no one at this time understood what Jesus was saying or doing. The dialogue continues, “Where are you coming?

In verse 36, John tells us of another unintended betrayal. Peter, who boldly said he would lay down his life to follow Jesus, is revealed to have had no more loyalty than he could say. Humans are truly pitiful creatures. That being so, it is truly a blessing that we have a God who loves and serves such people.


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