【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ヨハネの福音書14章 聖霊と言う助け主








John 14: The Helper, the Holy Spirit

1. the way to truth and life (14:1-14)

John recalls the time when he spent the Last Supper with Jesus. There, John recalls the time he asked Jesus, “Who is the betrayer?” (13:25). Jesus replied, “He to whom I will dip a piece of bread and give it to him.” In the Middle Eastern world at that time, the custom of a master dipping and giving food was considered a sign of the master’s special affection. If you did not know about such customs, you might not have read this part of the story. John confesses that he is the one specially loved by Jesus (John 20:2). But, in fact, he says that that Judas who betrayed Jesus was also a specially loved one (26-30). And yet, he left the world without ever knowing the heart of his Master, he said. It is a lost reality of human beings that they are loved but do not know that love. The important thing to remember is that Jesus loved everyone.

Note the dialogue between Jesus and his disciples as recorded by John. It is clear that Jesus truly faced the hearts of His disciples and spoke to them in a heart-to-heart manner. Peter asked the question. Where are you going when you say you are leaving the world (13:36)? Jesus answered, “Where the Father lives” (14:1). Then Thomas plunges in further, without pretending to understand, and tells him how he can get there (v. 5). Then Jesus replies, “By following in my footsteps” (vv. 6-7).

People go through life following in the footsteps of various predecessors. Some of them may be main streets, while others may be trails or animal paths that are less traveled by people. There are also the paths that Christ took. And I say that the path that follows in Christ’s footsteps is the path that leads us to the Father, that is, to heaven. The important thing is to think about what path you are on. And to walk in the way of Christ, we must immerse ourselves in the words of Jesus. Reading the Bible daily does more than add to your biblical knowledge. It teaches you the specific steps of Jesus and brings you closer to Him.

Jesus has repeatedly spoken of Himself as a spiritual Savior, not an earthly political hero or king. It is a serious statement that there is an invisible Kingdom of God that is superior to earthly kingdoms. But is it really real? Philip is skeptical. Wanting to be convinced, he offers to Jesus to see the Father, to see God. Jesus says, “I and the Father are one. He says, “I and the Father are one; he who has seen me has seen the Father. In other words, he will look to Jesus, and there he will be taught the reality of both God and the Kingdom of God.

2. the promise of Jesus (14:15-31)

Finally, Jesus tells the disciples that a Helper, called the Holy Spirit, will come in his place to reassure them. He then tells them to keep four facts in mind. First, in verse 16, the Helper, the Holy Spirit, reminds them of Jesus’ words and teaches them on his behalf (v. 26). Second, verse 27, there is the peace that Jesus gives and that we should seek. Third, verse 29, there is God’s plan. All things have an end. But it is a new beginning. God’s plan is beyond our thoughts. Finally, verse 31, we are to keep in mind the example of Jesus. Humans have habits of mind. We have habits of reaction, habits of thought that we have developed since we were small. But those who believe in Christ are those who, using the example of Jesus as a mirror, are made aware of their own habits and actively live a new life. So I pray that you have a good day today.


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