【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ヨハネの福音書15章 キリストのいのちに結び付く

1. ぶどうの木と枝(15:1-11)









John 15: United to the Life of Christ

1. the vine and the branches (15:1-11)

Jesus used various images to describe Himself. For example, He likened Himself to a “gate,” and then to “light” and “the way. Here, He is compared to a “vine. Then, in verse 1, he draws attention to the fact that there are branches that lead to Himself, some of which bear fruit and some that do not. The difference, verse 3, is whether they abide in Jesus or not. Jesus speaks in this way because of Israel’s history, which has been unfruitful apart from God. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah said. The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, the man of Judah, whom the Lord was pleased to plant. The LORD desired justice. But behold, bloodshed. He desired justice. But behold, a shriek” (Isaiah 5:7). Israel’s society, turned away from God and separated from Him, was full of evil and injustice, bloodshed and screams. It was like a desolate vineyard that was not bearing fruit. The same may be true of today’s society, which is filled with various pains, lamentations, and cries. If such a world is going to change, it will be because many people who abide in Jesus will be raised up, who will become his disciples and bear the fruit of justice and righteousness.

In verse 15, Jesus says. Verse 15, Jesus says, “I call you no more servants, but friends. I have called you friends. Believing in Jesus and becoming His disciple is more than becoming a faithful Christian to Him. Jesus calls those who become His disciples “friends. It is not a teacher-disciple relationship, where we respect and follow him as a teacher, with a sense of distance. Jesus wants us to be friends with whom we can talk freely and openly.

At the 7th Japan Congress on Evangelism, as a member of the program office, I was responsible for the preparations. The first thing the pastors decided to do was to stop calling each other “Sensei” (teacher) and start calling each other by nicknames. We called each other by our nicknames, even though we felt it was disrespectful to the other, and the work began. We had an open relationship with each other and I was called “Fukuchi. And as the work progressed, how it reminded me of the intimacy of our junior high school club days. It was a really fun preparation.

Jesus is not one to tell you what is right because you don’t know anything. He wants to share with you what is in your hearts and in your stomachs, and together we will do something. Indeed, we cannot fulfill our mission to speak the gospel of Jesus to a society that is otherwise filled with pain, lamentation, and cries. Our mission is great and requires deep unity.

2. love one another (15:12-17)

John was later persecuted and exiled to the island of Patmos. It was a time when times were moving in a strange direction and becoming more and more severe. John tells us that the most important teaching of Jesus to overcome these times is that He calls us His friends and that we love one another (vv.12,17). Treasure others, support each other, and bear the fruit of love, which is the first thing Jesus’ disciples are to keep in mind. It is not about acting kindly for the sake of convenience. It is a love that supports and overcomes each other in the most difficult times. Just as in verse 12, “As I have loved you,” that is, to live in the love of the cross of Jesus. Only then can the church be another world on earth, a place of healing and salvation. Do not bring strife into the church.

3. do not be surprised at the hatred of the world (15:18-27)

The world does not always understand such a church. Do not be surprised at all when the world suspects and resents the church’s actions. If Christ, the Master, was hated, then His disciples will be, too. Such people are not repulsed by the disciples of Jesus; they are repulsed by God. Because they cannot recognize God, they cannot recognize the loyalty of Jesus’ disciples either. But history has proven that those who live in love of the cross are the hope that shines in a dark world. I pray that today will be another good day.


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