【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ヨハネの福音書10章 まことの羊飼いと偽の羊飼い











John 10: The True Shepherd and the False Shepherd

1. the parable of the shepherds (10:1-21)

In the previous nine chapters, Jesus spoke of the Jewish religious leaders as being spiritually blind. In this 10th chapter, he says that they are false leaders, no, on the contrary, they are thieves and robbers.

In those days, sheep were pastured during the day and gathered in communal sheds at night. However, in the warmer months, the sheep and shepherds would not return to the town, but would camp out in the open, and at night they would be gathered in a pit that had formed on the slope of a hill. At its entrance, the shepherds rested their bodies and literally served as a gate to guard against sheep thieves. Jesus took this custom and explained His ministry.

In other words, verse 8, he said that he is the “good shepherd,” and everyone else is “a thief and a robber. The good shepherd is the shepherd who protects the sheep with his body, while the shepherd who leaves the sheep and runs away when danger approaches is a “thief” or “robber. In other words, they are hired hands who keep sheep just for money and have little sense of responsibility. I think Jesus said something quite drastic. He is saying something that people can’t help but hate.

In verse 9, he says that he is the gate, and whoever enters through him will be saved. Some may be surprised that he would go so far as to say this. Certainly, there are many things to consider about how we should take these words. In fact, those who heard this story were divided on how to take Jesus’ words. Some took it to mean that Jesus was possessed by an evil spirit and was going crazy. Others, considering the totality of what Jesus had done, thought that these were not the words of a man possessed by an evil spirit and that he should be considered the Savior. What do you think?

John, the writer of this Gospel, after the crucifixion of Jesus, believes that the cross was indeed the way Jesus paid the price for the sheep to enter the Kingdom of God by putting his body on the cross and becoming the gateway for the sheep to enter the Kingdom of God (v. 17). He wants his readers to understand this.

2. the festival of cleansing and Jesus (10:22-41)

In verse 22, the parable is told during the winter of the Feast of the Cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem, when in 165 BC, a Jewish leader named Judas Maccabaeus took back the temple in Jerusalem, which had been attacked and trampled down by Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syrias. Judas Maccabaeus then consecrated and rededicated the Temple. The festival of the cleansing of the Temple came to be observed in commemoration of that event.

John probably took the name of this festival intentionally. John probably intended to take the name of this festival to mean that Jesus was also the one who took back the temple in Jerusalem that had been defiled by the false prophet, sanctified it, and rededicated it. But the Jews of that time did not understand it that way. So they were displeased that Jesus could not be God, and even tried to stone Him to death.

Jesus’ response was to say, in verse 34, quoting Psalm 82:6 Those who judge the people by the word of God are given the title of “gods” by God. Then what is wrong with calling oneself a “son of God,” a title inferior to “gods”? He said, “I have no right to be accused of blasphemy. Simply put, he says, don’t fall for the word jokes. Rather, verse 38 says, “Look at the works you are actually doing. Believe in them. It is important to look at the words of Jesus, the compassion of Jesus, the miraculous works of Jesus, and to consider Jesus as the Savior in totality. Let’s catch on where we need to catch on and make our own lives richer. I pray that you have a good day today.


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