【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ヨハネの福音書11章 いのちの主












John 11: The Lord of Life

1. the glory of God appears (11:1-16)

About 3 km east of Jerusalem, there was a town called Bethany. There was a house of Lazarus where Jesus always visited and healed his tiredness. One day, Lazarus became ill and his sister sent a messenger to Jesus asking for help. However, Jesus, hearing of his serious illness, did not immediately sit up. Moreover, he deliberately delayed his departure by two days. Of course, Jesus had a plan.

Earlier, Jesus had performed a divine miracle on a man born blind “that the glory of God might be revealed,” and in verse 4, Jesus was about to show Lazarus a sign that “the glory of God would be revealed. He was not asking him to look at words, but at works. God alone can do the work of bringing back to life what was already dead and finished, or bringing blind eyes to see what was born blind. Simply put, no human being can do these things. But Jesus had that power.

Jesus’ words are not a bluff or a comfort. Jesus’ words are the words of God that make the impossible possible. If that is so, then there is no doubt that there is great potential for those who trust in his words.

2. the death of Lazarus (11:17-46)

Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary, who greet Jesus, are contrasted in their responses. Martha and Mary speak the same words to Jesus, but their hearts are completely different. Martha acts stout-heartedly, while Mary reveals her broken heart and prostrates herself at Jesus’ feet. Jesus’ response to them is also different. To the calm Martha, Jesus urges her to have faith in the Word of God (vv. 22-26); to the emotional Mary, Jesus simply asks her to share her grief and indignation (vv. 33-36). Jesus was flexible.

And Jesus raised Lazarus. It is impossible to open the eyes of a man who has met a man born blind, or to raise a man from the dead. But it was a sign, verse 42, that Jesus was God, a sign that the Savior promised in the Old Testament had come.  

Furthermore, Jesus once told his mother Mary that the hour had not yet come, but now he tells her that the hour has come. And that time was to clearly show who the promised Savior was. The many miracles that Jesus has performed so far testify to his divinity. But it is God who reveals what He came all the way to earth to do.

3. the testimony of Caiaphas (11:47-57)

Let us turn our attention to the testimony of the high priest Caiaphas in the second half. His testimony conveys two extremely important truths about Jesus. It tells us the spiritual meaning of why Jesus had to hang on the cross. One, in verse 50, was so that Jesus could “die on behalf of the people, so that the whole nation would not perish.” Jesus’ crucifixion was intended to be a substitutionary death, taking God’s punishment as a substitute so that the sins of all mankind could be forgiven. But that is not all. Secondly, in verse 52, Jesus also died “not only for the nation, but also to gather together in one the children of God who are scattered.” Jesus’ cross was also so that those whose sins had been forgiven, accepted by God, and sanctified might be gathered together.

This is a very practical statement. What lies at the root of the international conflicts that have been repeated throughout human history is the sin of each individual human being, the sin of being prone to conflict. Peace treaties, peace movements, no matter how much we do such things, world peace is a pipe dream unless we are saved from the fact that human beings are fundamentally sinners. The starting point for this is the individual’s acknowledgment of sin and desire for its forgiveness, reverence, and sanctification. Only then can it be possible to be united. I pray that you have a good day today.


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