Luke 11: Conflict
1. teaching on prayer (11:1-13)
The Gospel of Luke is sometimes called the Gospel of Prayer. This is because it records many of Jesus’ teachings and practices of prayer (3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18,29; 22:32; 22:44; 23:34,46). It is interesting to note that the Gospels differ from the other Gospels in the way they cover episodes of prayer.
For example, the model of prayer commonly called the Lord’s Prayer is also recorded by Matthew. However, its context is different (6:6-13). Matthew’s context takes up the Lord’s Prayer in a context that rejects the kind of prayer that would be heard by a Pharisee. He also teaches us not to pray slavishly and repetitively. Luke, on the other hand, takes up the Lord’s Prayer in the context of John’s disciples asking him to teach them their own prayer, comparable to the prayer of the disciples. And they are taught not to pray fervently.
This difference is probably due to the author assuming a different audience. Matthew is addressing Jews who are taught to pray from infancy and for whom prayer is a verbal habit, while Luke is addressing theophiles, Gentiles who need to be taught anew about prayer. In this sense, I would like to consider which is the emphasis that is necessary for me.
Also, here Luke encourages us to pray for the Holy Spirit, not for things. People will offer up materialistic prayers in nature. So if you are going to ask there, he says to pray and ask for the Holy Spirit with all your heart. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is the sure guide of life. The Holy Spirit is the one who points out sins and errors, shows people the right path to take, and causes them to seek God. In order to live a full and happy life as a human being, one should seek the help of the Holy Spirit more than anything else.
2. conflict with the Jewish religious leaders (11:14-54)
Now, Jesus performed many wonders, but what was the source of his power? Some people argued that Jesus was an evil spirit. Some thought Jesus was the head of an evil spirit. But Jesus said, “If I am the head of an evil spirit, I am not the head of an evil spirit. If he was the head of the demons, then casting them out would be a friendly confrontation and an infighting. Therefore, it is correct to think that the origin of Jesus’ power is God, and that God has come to bring peace to the earth. Indeed, what Jesus says makes sense.
In verse 27, a woman, impressed by Jesus’ answer, praised him. But the response is also really cool. The truly blessed are those who “let God teach them things and hold fast to them.” In other words, if that’s what you think, then follow God’s teachings. The problem, however, is the assertion that follows. Jesus himself declares, “Here is one greater than Solomon” (v. 31) and “Here is one greater than Jonah” (v. 32). Jesus himself proclaims himself as the Christ, or the Savior.
The question is what to make of this. In fact, the Jewish religious leaders of the time did not accept Jesus’ words. From verse 37 onward, however, Jesus takes an even more provocative stance toward the Jewish religious leaders. Fearless Jesus. But if we consider carefully what Jesus is saying, we can understand that he is not saying anything wrong. Jesus is saying that religion is not about appearances, but about the heart, the content. Jesus equates Himself with God, but there is no mistaking what He is saying. We have to make a decision on how we will accept Jesus. I pray that you have a good day today.