【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書12章 御国を求めよ










Luke 12: Seek the Kingdom

1. the crisis approaching Jesus (12:1-12)

A large audience gathered around Jesus. But Jesus spoke first to His disciples, saying many things. As I mentioned yesterday, Jesus was in conflict with the Jewish religious leaders, and it was escalating and Jesus was in danger. Jesus must have understood this. He wanted His disciples to be prepared for it.

Verse 2, one’s malice and hostility are hard to hide, and they always show up in one’s words and behavior. But in verse 4, Jesus says not to be afraid. If there is anything to fear, he says, it is only one thing: God, who has the authority to throw them into Gehenna after killing them, verse 5. Therefore, he says, verse 8, it is important to have a strong relationship with God.

He also says that people put a scale of sins, big or small, but in God’s eyes there are no big or small sins. There are only unforgivable sins. That is the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, verse 10. The Holy Spirit’s work is to make people realize their sins, encourage them to repent, make them accept the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Jesus, and restore their relationship with God. If they refuse to do so, of course they cannot be forgiven. But on the other hand, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven as long as we do not reject the work of the Holy Spirit.

Luke was trying to say to Theophilo that Jesus, despite His overt conflict with the religious people, did not regard them as enemies, but patiently preached repentance so that they would not reject the work of the Holy Spirit. If you swear at Jesus, He will take it. Jesus understands how it feels to have to swear like that. What is important is that we recognize our own problems that compel us to swear in this way and, at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, repent. It is important to be well aware of the reality of our own sin.

2. preparing to meet God (12:13-59)

Now, Jesus was approached by a man who had an inheritance dispute. Jesus accepted this consultation, which was completely out of his field, or rather, a misunderstanding of his own. He then tells the parable of the rich man, as if the cause of the inheritance dispute was “greed. He tells us to be on guard against any “greed,” v. 21, that people want to get things, but they will never be satisfied or happy with them. People cannot be satisfied with things because they are beings with hearts. What satisfies the heart is the Word of God. If we can understand this well, we will never feel unsatisfied in the world. However, people do not ponder over the things they cannot see, but rather they ponder over this and that in order to pursue the immediate happiness that they can see.

In verse 28, withered wildflowers were used as fuel in those days. In such a way, God can provide wonderful beauty even to wildflowers, which are only fuel when they wither, and are only a momentary life. It is important to recognize that there is such a God, and to have faith that He will be good to those who live much longer than flowers and grass.

Verse 26 says that the day will come when we will all stand before this God who is good to us. Therefore, he says, let us prepare ourselves for that day and live our lives. Death is sure to come to everyone. Some people think that there is nothing in the afterlife, but the Bible says that God created the world and human beings. When we die, our bodies return to the earth, but our souls return to the God who gave them to us. In verse 57, it says, “We see and hear many things, and we hear and see all kinds of things. We want to have a faith that recognizes God and cherishes Him, while listening to all things and understanding “what is right” in our lives. I pray that today will be another good day.


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