【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書16章 神のことばに心を留める











Luke 16: Be Mindful of God’s Word

1. the parable of the unjust keeper (16:1-18)

Jesus’ mission was first to speak salvation to the Jews. The episode at the beginning of this chapter 16, commonly referred to as the “unjust custodian,” is one of His attempts to do so. The caretaker who is wasting his master’s property would be emblematic of the very people chosen by God, the Jews. The caretaker is then caught in the act of dishonesty and finds himself in a difficult situation.

After being fired, the superintendent thought of ways to overcome his predicament, and finally used his master’s authority to cancel the debts of those who owed him money. He thought that even if he was fired, the people to whom he owed money would help him out. He was a wise administrator. The master also praised him for his cleverness, but in fact, that is not the cleverness that the master recognized.

The Jewish people had a law that they were not allowed to charge interest when they lent money to their fellow countrymen. In other words, the caretaker wrote off the debt and had it attested to, but this meant that he had collected evidence of his master’s dishonesty. At this, the master panicked and had to admit that he was wise. In other words, his own injustice was about to be exposed, and he tried to preserve his reputation by praising and forgiving the caretaker.

Verse 13 says that one cannot serve God and wealth. Eventually, one will clearly recognize that reality. He will die a death in which riches will not serve him. And he will be made to stand before the judgment seat of God. The time will come when you will be exposed for a life of squandering what belongs to God. How will you defend yourself then? There is no other way but to think about what you can do to save yourself and to move the heart of God, the master who rules the other world.

2. the rich man and Lazarus (16:19-31)

But the Jewish religious leaders who heard this story looked at each other and scoffed. They would say, “This is ridiculous, it’s so abrupt, what are you trying to say? Surely, stories like the one about the corrupt administrator are commonplace on television. No, TV reports are just the tip of the iceberg, and everyone is doing the same thing. People think that those who are caught cheating like that are too bad, that they are the unlucky ones. But they think that because they live their lives thinking only of earthly things.

The second half of the story about the rich man and Lazarus is a parable that goes into the hearts of such people. The rich man who received good things while he was alive will be in suffering and agony after death, and Lazarus, the poor man who received bad things while he was alive, will be in comfort and rest after death. And the rich man, in his suffering, asks God to send a messenger to warn him from the afterlife so that at least his descendants will not suffer the same fate, but that too will not happen. The God of the Bible is a God of justice, and Jesus’ idea is clear: the books of life will be settled in the end.

My mother used to evangelize in the park when I was a little girl. Well, it was allowed in those days, when tracts were scarce, but she always had a Bible in her hand, this Lazarus and the rich man passage open, and would talk about Jesus to people hanging out in the park. It was a very straightforward way. So my mother’s story was just as straightforward as Jesus’.

Jesus says, “I am the one who is living in all times and in all circumstances. No matter what time period or circumstances you are born into, your life does not end here on earth. There will come a time when we will be asked if we cherish the life God has given us, if we are aware that it is eternal, and if we have done what we should have done while we were alive here on earth. It will be a time for both those who have been entrusted with a small life and those who have been entrusted with a great life to stand before God and make a report and a reckoning. I pray that today will be another good day.


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