【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書17章 弟子であること










Luke 17: Being a Disciple

1. repentance and forgiveness (17:1-10)

In verse 1, Jesus spoke to His disciples, and the religious people were also listening to what He was saying. They probably thought they were going to hear some kind of theological, lofty lecture. But they didn’t. They laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

But Jesus didn’t seem to mind at all, or rather, he seemed to have spoken intentionally, with an eye on the audience. The “stumbling blocks” here are the very religious people who are eavesdropping. Jesus openly criticized their teachings. Indeed, religion is like a sign on a mountain path. If it is misdirected, it can mess up both the believer and those around him or her. And curse the religious people who use religion in such a way to mislead people’s lives! should say.

So, in verse 3, Jesus also tells his disciples how to be religious. What do you think? Religious people have ethics as religious people. Let us listen to that ethos in the sense of examining Jesus’ teaching.

The first of these is to take care of ourselves and to value “repentance and forgiveness. God’s expectation of man is not to be a perfectly good person. There is no need to think that we have to live like Christians with the Christian faith. The roots of sin run deep, and it is only through God’s power that a person can change. It is foolish to strive to change oneself by one’s own strength. Rather, verse 3, we are to take God’s commandments daily, repent, and have a heart that stands on God’s forgiveness, and in this way, we are to cherish a heart that asks for God’s forgiveness. The key to solving life’s challenges lies in God. It is not because your faith is weak that you cannot change. You just have to surrender to God and put your trust in Him to make things better. Therefore, when something is accomplished, have a humble heart that it is God who did it, not you, and this is the way of a disciple of Jesus.

In verse 11, Luke goes on to tell Theophilus about another episode that illustrates the way of a disciple of Jesus. In other words, be self-effacing and humble, but at the same time cherish thanksgiving. Ten people with a skin disease called tzara’at were healed by Jesus. But only one returned to thank Jesus when he found out that he was healed. What a surprise! The first thing parents teach their little ones is thank you, please, and I’m sorry, but the same is true for the novice believer to learn. First, instead of trying to be a good person, say thank you, please, and I’m sorry, to God.

2. about the Kingdom of God and the end of the world (17:20-37)

And faith is not about the other world, but about the here and now. Jesus says, v. 21: “The kingdom of God is yours in your midst.” The Kingdom of God could be read as the reign of God. Where we acknowledge God, the Kingdom of God exists. But it will not be physically completed until the end of the world.

Luke tells Theophilo the somewhat ridiculous Jesus story as it is. This is probably because Luke himself had not yet grasped it. Certainly there are many things about the end of the world that the Bible tells us are uncertain and unknowable. There are some things that we tell without understanding rather than pretending to understand. But what we don’t know, we will know eventually, v. 37: “Where there are corpses, vultures will gather,” that is, if the conditions are right, there will be consequences. In other words, Jesus’ disciples are not people with conclusions about the end of the world, but they also live as observers of God’s work. So, I wish you a good day today.


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