【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書22章 最後の晩餐とイエスの愛








Luke 22: The Last Supper and Jesus’ Love

1. the Passover (22:1-38)

Even today, around March or April each year, the Passover is celebrated in Israel. For the Jews, it was an important festival to commemorate their deliverance from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12). Originally, however, it was an agricultural festival called the Feast of Unleavened Bread, to which historical meaning was added. It is said that about 2.7 million people gathered in the small city of Jerusalem, about 800 meters square, for this festival. The bustle on that day must have been enormous.

Therefore, on that day, Roman soldiers, who were not usually stationed in the city, were also sent to maintain security. Under these circumstances, the Jewish religious leaders were looking for an opportunity to kill Jesus. The opportunity came suddenly and unexpectedly. Jesus’ disciple Judas appeared and offered to sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. We can only imagine what made Judas feel like betraying Jesus, but Luke simply tells us in verse 3 that “Satan” had entered the picture. It may be that what happened to Jesus was not simply a matter of what one would consider a simple disagreement between master and disciple.

From verse 7 onward, we see Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper. Notice here that a new covenant is made with bread and wine, the origin of today’s sacrament. The sacrament is a reminder of Jesus’ ripped body and shed blood. It is a time of great celebration, a time to remember that God’s love is eternal and unchanging. It is also noteworthy that Jesus here speaks of Himself as the Servant. We are taught that believers are God’s servants, those who serve Him, but the fact is that God first served us. It means that such was God’s love and reverence for us for the sake of our salvation.

2. the arrest of Jesus (22:39-71)

Now, the two alternative must-visits on a pilgrimage tour of Israel are the Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of the Cockcrow. The Garden of Gethsemane is the place where Jesus prayed and surrendered to God’s will in the face of death, and the Church of the Snake was built on the site of the Caiaphas house where Jesus was arrested and taken in. Beside the church, there is a slope that is said to be the same as the one Jesus actually walked on when he was taken away. The topography of modern Israel is not as it was then, and there are pros and cons to pilgrimage tours. Nevertheless, if you actually walk from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Church of the Cockcrow without taking a tourist bus, or enter the rocky dungeon where Jesus is said to have been detained, you will feel firsthand what is between the lines of the Bible.

Reading this passage carefully, one wonders how human beings can be so stubborn and treat a single human being so violently. It is heartbreaking to see on TV today how people are arrested and taken away by force by the government during the democracy movement overseas. Perhaps there must have been many people who were heartbroken and saddened by the sight of Jesus at that time. Anyway, Jesus was arrested at this time and was found guilty and executed after being questioned whether or not he was the “Son of God” in verse 70. The disciple Peter, who had been so loved and cherished by Jesus, not only ran away from Jesus, but was found and completely denied any relationship with Jesus. But when I think about this situation, am I the only one who can’t laugh at Peter and feel the tension that I would betray him in the same way? I am sure it is not so. But I should say that God has made an eternal covenant with us, and has served us even more, in spite of our weakness. We can only be thankful and want to follow the Lord’s example. I pray that today will be another good day.


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