Luke 8: The Parable of the Sower and the Four Miracles
1. the editorial intent of Luke (8:1-3)
When I read Luke’s Gospel, I sometimes wonder. The order of the articles in Luke’s Gospel is different from that of Matthew and Mark. In Luke, after bringing up the episode of the sinful woman in chapter 7, he simply summarizes that Jesus went around the towns and villages preaching the kingdom of God, and then proceeds to write the parable of the sower. Matthew and Mark, however, follow the sinful woman episode with an episode called the Beelzebul Controversy, in which they ask what Jesus is doing to cast out demons, and then add a discussion of signs for proof that Jesus is the Messiah. Luke puts it on the back burner. Am I alone in wondering why in the world Luke changed the order?
Luke’s Gospel is a letter to an individual named Theophilo. In other words, unlike the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, it was written with a specific audience in mind. And hopefully, he would have wanted his readers to understand Jesus correctly through this letter. As I said yesterday, Jesus performed many miracles, which were evidence that He was God. However, it seems that Luke did not want Theophilo to simply take Jesus as an entertaining religious figure. Jesus, the miracle-worker, is the Lord of all things, the One who has authority over the three worlds and, moreover, the One who has a heart of love that touches the human heart deeply. He would have wanted us to focus on that essential figure of Christ. Therefore, Luke may have wanted Theophilo to think more deeply about what he said than about the miracles of Jesus, and he may have written the parable of the sower first, which teaches an attitude of listening to the Word of God, before he wrote the miraculous life of Jesus.
2. from parable to miracle story (8:4-56)
The parable of the sower has already been explained in Matthew and Mark. There are those who listen to what Jesus says but do not pay attention, those who are like a trodden path, those who listen willingly but do not try to deepen their understanding, those who are too worldly-minded or greedy to bear spiritual fruit, and those who are like a sprout among thorns, It speaks of those who have fallen on good ground, who listen attentively, respond correctly, and bear good fruit. Luke’s inclusion of the episode of Jesus’ family immediately following this parable, in a different order than in the other Gospels, was probably intended in a way that only Luke could have intended. He says that those who listen carefully to the Word of God, rejoice in it, and live moment by moment in it, are worthy to be called God’s family.
After summarizing his view of Jesus’ words and deeds, Luke then returns to the four miracles that give us a taste of God’s power in the second half of his narrative. Jesus quells a storm (22-25), casts out demons (26-39), heals a woman with long-suffering blood (43-48), and brings Jairus’ daughter back to life (40-42, 49-56). But unlike the way he has written about his previous miracles (chapters 4, 5, and 7), here he recounts the miracles he performed before a small group of disciples rather than in front of a large audience. Jesus’ concern was not to gather an audience, but to nurture the faith of his disciples.
Moreover, there is a deep affection there. I am the words of Jesus in verse 48, “Go in peace,” and in verse 52, “There is no need to weep. I feel something of the tenderness of Jesus that touches my heartstrings. God is the One who rewards those who draw near to Him, and His love is warm and deep. God is the one who takes our hearts and gives us the help we need. Let us always walk in hope in God.