【シーズン6】人生100倍の視野【聖書】マタイの福音書18章 赦しの愛に立つ








Matthew 18: Standing in the Love of Forgiveness

1. who is the greatest (18:1-14)

This is the beginning of what is known as Jesus’ fourth collection of sermons. The first was the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7), the second was a collection of discipleship tips (9:35-10:42), and the third was a collection of parables about the Kingdom of God (13:1-52). This 18th chapter teaches the relationships of the disciples who follow Jesus.

Verse 1 says, “Then,” and in context, the story continues from the episode of paying the temple tax in chapter 17. In other words, the latter half of chapter 17 depicted a story of secular under The story of unbelief, and the story of money, and here the story of power. I think the same thing is happening in the church today. In the church, there is the same kind of competition as in the world: “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven? This is a real problem in the church as well as in the world, even though people who believe in God are gathered together.

That is why we should be aware that the ideas of those who follow Jesus are radically different. Jesus says that those who are like little children, who do not care about seats or rank, are great. Early in his walk of faith, Paul described himself as “the least of the apostles” (1 Corinthians 15:9), but eventually he came to say, “I am the least of all the saints” (Ephesians 3:8), and in his later years he confessed, “I am the head of sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). To have faith is to be made aware of one’s own human reality and to walk in lowliness and humility. The church is a gathering of those who humble themselves. The church should not be like the world, a place where people mount up based on their abilities, financial resources, social status, and so on.

2. connecting (18:15-35)

When read in this way, Matthew’s time and today’s time are very similar. A truly great man in the church does not trip people up (vv. 6-9). Rather, they are those who have a heart of concern for the little ones, those who are weak in faith (vv. 10-14). Furthermore, Matthew tells what a great man does to those in the church who seem to be in trouble. If there is a brother who is clearly found to have sinned, who shakes off everyone’s hand, and who wanders away from the church, what does he do? The first thing is to speak the truth in love one-on-one and confront him with his mistakes (v. 15). If he listens, that’s OK, but if not, let him say it well with others, and finally let him understand it in the church, that is, together. But if that doesn’t work, then no longer “be as the Gentiles or the tax collectors” (v. 17), that is, leave them alone, or don’t get involved with them anymore. It will be difficult to retrieve a kite that has left its owner’s hands and is being blown away by the wind.

But even so, it is important to have the heart to continue to connect, not to abandon the person. from verse 18 onward, he tells you that you can “connect” or “untie,” but to connect, and to continue to pray for that soul. You are not expected to regard any person as an enemy, but to keep praying for that person to be connected. Indeed, the truly great people in the church are those who put their hands and hearts on others. And they are those who are “forgiving toward their brothers,” that is, those who have a deep love that forgives and accepts again and again. When Peter asked, “How many times should I forgive?” Jesus did not say how many times, but said in verse 35, “from the heart,” or “perfectly.” Soon Peter will actually experience Jesus’ profound forgiveness. There is a time when what we are taught comes to fruition. I pray that today will be another good day.


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