【シーズン6】使徒の働き20章 告別説教【聖書】人生100倍の祝福









Acts 20 Farewell Sermon

1. At Troas (20:1-12)

After the riots over the temple of Artemis in Ephesus were settled, Paul immediately set out for the Macedonian region. His route and activities are not recorded in the book of Acts. However, it is believed that Paul wrote his letter to the Romans in Corinth during this trip. If so, it appears that Paul had plans at that time to travel further west, through Illyricum, to Ispania (Spain) (Romans 15). However, he may have wanted to return to Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost. Looking at the list of team members gathered in Troas on the way back (v. 4) and at Romans 16, which he wrote down at that time, it seems that Paul had done enough missionary work for now and decided to go home first.

Now they stay in Troas for a week and worship together on Sundays. At this point, it seems that the Christians were no longer worshipping on the Jewish Saturday, but on Sunday. Luke also seems to have counted the days in the Roman rather than the Jewish way, counting the days from sunrise (3:1), which would suggest that this meeting was held on Sunday evening. During the meeting, a young man named Jutheko falls asleep and dies from a third-story fall. However, Paul’s ministry revived the young man. Luke probably recorded this episode because he wanted to show that God’s protection was present in their work.

2. The Sermon at Miletus (20:17-27)

  Now Paul hastened to return to Jerusalem by sea. The Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem was approaching. When he stopped in Miletus, he invited the Ephesian elders to a meeting for teaching. Luke recorded his sermon at that time, and it describes his servant spirit well. In other words, he tells us how he served God, his attitude, his posture, and his spirit. First of all, Paul’s ministry was constantly slowed down by the interference of the Jews. However, verse 19 says that he worked “with all humility” and “with tears. In other words, he focused only on what was beneficial to his faith-bringing them to repentance and faith in Jesus-so as not to cause unnecessary strife. Then, in verse 22, Paul says that he was on his way to Jerusalem “bound by the Spirit. He must have been aware of the hostility of the Jews toward him, and he must have been prepared for it. 24 “Having run the way he should have run,” he may have been in the same frame of mind as Jesus when he went to the cross. But Paul, who says in verse 26, “I am not responsible for anyone’s blood,” lives a life of running as fast as he can. If we can live our lives with such intensity, we can say that we are “finished,” just as Jesus was.

3. Protect the Flock (20:28-38)

Paul commands the elders. First, in verse 28, he tells them to “look after yourselves and the whole flock. Church leaders are to take care of themselves and the whole flock. Christians are different, but so are stewards and officers. Few stewards and deacons are able to act with the whole church in mind. They may not have a clear view of themselves. However, if you are elected as a steward or deacons, you should strive to have the right attitude, judgment, and ability for the work you are doing. 

Perhaps Paul was remembering the conflict with the church in Corinth at this time. It was a situation where a vicious wolf had entered the church in Corinth and was ravaging the flock. In verse 32, Paul encourages them to “stand firm in the word of God and in his grace. He wants the biblical perspective to be evident in his concern for himself and for the flock as a whole. Verse 35 also emphasizes concern for the weak and the love of giving. The reason the church is the church is because the love of the cross is practiced. The church is not like the organizations of the world. It is a place where miracles happen in people’s souls through irrational love, where healing takes place and new life begins. That is why we should say that there is hope for the Church.


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