【シーズン6】創世記35章 ヤコブへの契約【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Chapter 35: The Covenant with Jacob

  1. Moving to Bethel (35:1-15)
    After the incident with Dinah, God appeared to Jacob again. He commanded him to move to Bethel and build an altar. Verse 1, “dwell” means to settle down. From Shechem to Bethel is about 30 kilometers. It is about a day’s walk for a man at that time. Jacob moved as God told him to. For Jacob, this was a journey of fleeing to protect himself again, following the incident with Esau.
    Last time, his mother Rebekah had led him in this way and made arrangements, but this time, no one would help him. However, what is noteworthy is that God helped him, showed him the way, and also caused fear in the surrounding towns, acting as Jacob’s rearguard.
    When a person makes a big mistake, they may find themselves in a situation where no one can help them. The mother who gave birth to them is no longer with them. In such a situation, you may feel cornered and think you have no choice but to give up on life. But you must not give up. No matter how big your failure may seem, even if you don’t have family to help you, God will help you.

God is not only Jacob’s God. He is your God too. Believing in God in this way and taking another step forward is the path of faith. As long as there is life in humans, there is possibility. In fact, it is God who holds life in his hands. Life is connected only if God allows it. This means that God also has a plan for the rest of your life. The important thing is to never give up at any time, but to cling to “God’s words of blessing” and stand up. Verse 9 says that God appeared to Jacob again and blessed him. And God says in verse 10, “I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply.” God is the God of the hopeless and the God of the repentant. He is the one who opens up a new life for those who are ashamed and in a difficult situation.

Thus Jacob humbled himself before God and once again set out to stake his life on God. The first thing he did was to move and build an altar at Bethel (verses 3 and 4), and to remove all idols from his side. This shows that he was ready to pour all his loyalty into this God.

  1. The Death of Rachel (35:16-29)
    Next is the episode of Jacob losing his beloved wife Rachel. At a time like this, one would think that God would not have taken away Jacob’s beloved wife Rachel, who was his emotional support. One would wonder what God was really thinking. However, the author of Genesis added this episode to show the firmness and certainty of Jacob’s determination.
    Jacob takes this most depressing event with a strong spirit and in a positive way. So, when Rachel gave her newborn baby the negative name “Ben-oni,” meaning “son of my suffering,” Jacob renamed it “Benjamin,” or “son of good fortune.” What Jacob had in mind was to cling to God’s words of blessing and be supported for the rest of his life, even at this rock bottom. With Esau, he lost his mother, whom he relied on, and this time he lost his wife Rachel, who was his emotional support. However, the invisible God is a supporter that will never be lost. Jacob is a believer who lives with the support of that God.
    How do people live in difficult situations? They may simply pity themselves and live in sadness. Or they may blame someone else, saying, “It all happened because of that person,” and live with bitterness. However, the Bible tells us to live by clinging to “God’s words of blessing,” which say, “Let go of the past, and you have a new future,” and to grasp the blessing.
    After that, Jacob’s life was calm for a while. Even when his son caused trouble again, he did not intervene as it was his son’s problem, and he helped his father Isaac in his old age, buried him and his brother Esau, and lived a normal life as if it were normal. In other words, restarting a failed life is about taking steps from places that can be done naturally and are open. God’s word is true. May God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you again tomorrow on this channel.


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