【シーズン6】テサロニケ人への手紙第一3章 神の前での教会の成長【聖書】人生100倍の祝福










1 Thessalonians 3 The Growth of the Church Before God

1. The Circumstances of Timothy’s Sending (3:1-6)

Paul had to leave the Thessalonian church immediately after planting it. His persecutors came one after another to hinder his work and try to kill him. Paul was so afraid that his newborn church would be destroyed under such circumstances that he could no longer bear it and sent Timothy, a beloved disciple and a powerful teacher, in his place (verse 1).

Paul wanted the Thessalonians to endure this trial. He wanted them to see persecution as a natural occurrence, not a surprise (Philippians 1:29; 1 Peter 4:12). However, Paul’s concern was completely misplaced. According to Timothy’s report, the church in Thessalonica was not being persecuted in any way, but rather was standing firm in the faith and moving forward in a healthy way. They had not forgotten Paul and wanted him to teach them more (v.6).

In the first place, it is God who builds up the church. Even a pastor is only called by God to serve His work. A church is not built by the ability of a single pastor. Of course, there are good reasons why good churches are built. It takes a pastor who responds to God’s call, who is a mother and father with all his heart, and who works diligently every day to nurture each member of his congregation with the Word of God. We also need a congregation that can be compared to a good soil, that accepts such a pastor who is faithful to the Word and prayer work, recognizes that God has established him, and accepts the Bible teachings that are spoken and honestly grows in them. Only with both can we say that the power of the Holy Spirit is working to build up the Lord’s church. If only one side makes an effort, it will not work, and if both sides are in conflict, the Church of God will not stand, as Jesus said, like the devil in his inner circle.

2. Paul’s further request (3:7-13)

 Anyway, in verse 7, Paul honestly confesses that he was comforted and encouraged by the situation of the Thessalonian church. In fact, the members of the Thessalonian church had been disowned by their families, forced to quit their jobs, and placed in difficult circumstances to make a living because of their Christian faith. In fact, they were experiencing the same trials as Paul. Yet they did not give up their faith. It is understandable that Paul would want to be comforted and give thanks to God.

But Paul is not simply giving thanks to God. Giving thanks to God means that he must bow down and worship God (v. 9). He offers worship to God by saying, “O God, what you are doing is truly wonderful; you are the ruler of heaven and earth and all things, and you are manifesting your power in abundance beyond my power; you are truly alive and doing your work.

Paul also wants to make up for the lack of faith in the Thessalonian church. He is very impressed with the spiritual growth of the Thessalonian believers, but he prays that they will not stop there, but that they will grow in love and holiness. This is an important point. Paul was not praying for the church to grow more. He prayed that the church in Thessalonica would be enriched with more and more love and become more and more holy before God. The glory of the church has nothing to do with the size of the church. Paul was not interested in a large church, many ministries, charismatic leaders, or anything like that. Rather, he wanted every soul in the church to be increasingly enriched with God’s love and holiness. We want to be a church that cherishes God’s love and God’s holiness, that shines brightly in the midst of deep darkness.

God’s word is truth. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channe


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