【シーズン6】ガラテヤ人への手紙4章 神の相続人となる【聖書】人生100倍の祝福














Galatians 4: Being Heirs of God

1. The Parable of the Watchman (4:1-11)

In the last part of chapter 3, Paul talked about the importance of the law, which the Jews carefully observed. He said that it was like a tutor, informing people of what is good and what is bad, in other words, of the departures from humanity. He points out the reality that man is a sinner before God and teaches that he needs the forgiveness of sins in Christ. This would mean that if Christ has appeared, it is important to seek the forgiveness of sins in Christ. Paul continues to try to teach the importance of this.

He uses the parable of the watchman. A guardian is a person who is legally responsible for helping a person with impaired judgment. As in Paul’s example, when a parent dies and leaves a large estate to a minor child, a guardian is appointed to help the child make decisions until the child reaches a certain age. At the age of majority, the child is released from the guardianship and the parent’s property becomes his or her own.

In the same way, when Christ comes into the world in the “fullness of time” of God’s predestination, one is freed from the law that condemns sin. The law may still accuse you of being a sinner as before, but Christ declares the forgiveness of your sins and protects you from the accusation so that you can fully possess God’s spiritual possessions, His blessings.

2. The Lament of Paul (4:12-30)

The problem with the Galatians was that they did not fully understand this truth. Or rather, they were misled by false teachers and wandered away from this truth. Paul laments and says. When Paul first visited Galatia, he was sick and his appearance was unacceptable. But the people of Galatia received him with kindness, as if he were an angel. Now, however, they are cold as if they had turned their hands upside down. What a surprise! How could they be deceived by a false teacher?

Paul calls out, “Brethren,” and once again politely explains the gospel of God. He takes up the example of Isaac and Ishmael, the sons of Abraham, which is familiar to anyone who has read the Old Testament. Abraham was promised by God to be a descendant, but he was not given an heir, a son who would be a good start. Abraham could no longer trust in God’s promise, and he had to have a child, Ishmael, by his female slave, Hagar. But God’s word is true. God then gave Isaac to his elderly wife Sarah, just as He had promised.

The same is true for the forgiveness of sins and salvation of man, Paul says. The female slave, the son of Hagar, symbolizes man’s salvation through human effort, the effort to do the law. On the other hand, Isaac, the miracle child born as God promised, symbolizes man’s salvation by God’s grace. If you connect with God and receive His blessings, it is through faith in His promise of grace, not through your efforts. You are to be a child of Sarah, not Hagar.

3. recommendation to the viewer

So I recommend you, the viewers of this blog. You have already received the forgiveness of sins through the work of the cross of Christ 2000 years ago. Whether you know it or not, whether you accept it or not, your sins have been forgiven. The important thing is whether you accept this grace as your own or not. You have now reached the predestined age to receive God’s rich spiritual wealth, His blessing. You have reached the time to be released from guardianship. I urge you to trust God that His Word is true and step out into the life of blessings that He promises. Let us pray together.

Lord God, I say that you gave yourself for me on the cross, forgave my sins, and gave me new life in the resurrection. Your word is true. Help me to walk in newness of life, trusting in Your Word. Help me to deeply enjoy the grace of salvation You have with me. I pray in the name of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

If you have not been to church, please come to a church near you. If you are looking for a church that you feel comfortable attending, please contact us by email. We will refer you to a church in your area. hello@tamachape.com

God’s Word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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