【シーズン6】テトスへの手紙1章 神のしもべパウロ【聖書】人生100倍の祝福











1. The Hope of Eternal Life (1:1-4)

The Greek word translated “servant of God” is doulos, a term favored by the Old Testament leaders Moses and Joshua. Rather than thinking of themselves as leaders over people, they thought of themselves as servants of God, subject to God’s will. They understood themselves in relationship to God, not man. Our old nature is the opposite: we define who we are in relation to man, not God. Let us be careful to avoid the inversion.

Paul also saw the purpose of being a servant of God as follows: verse 2. It is “that God’s chosen people may advance in the faith, that they may receive the knowledge of the truth, which belongs to godliness. Progress in the faith is well understood. But what is the knowledge of the truth that is worthy of godliness? I think. Perhaps it makes more sense here to replace “truth” with Christ. In other words, the knowledge of Christ is what leads to true godliness. This would also lead well to the following statement that it is based on the “hope of eternal life”. And this apostolate will also speak with conviction. Grace and peace to you from Christ Jesus”.

2. a true teacher, not a false teacher (1:5-16)             

Paul then talks about the purpose of leaving Titus on the island of Crete. It was to organize the work in verse 5 and “appoint elders in the affairs of the city. The person referred to here as an “elder” is called an overseer in verse 7. The overseer could be called an elder of elders, a general elder. Either way, it is almost the same as a pastor today.

Why appoint elders for each city? It has to do with the presence of false teachers, which has been repeated in previous letters. Selecting and appointing quality leaders is the best strategy against false teachers.

So Paul, as he told Timothy, describes the qualifications of elders to be appointed. It is basically the same as he told Timothy. And in the letter to Timothy he used the phrase “the ability to teach” as a quality of elders that distinguished them from administrators, but here he writes that they must have various qualities that support the ability to teach in order to encourage and exhort others.

First of all, the elder must be one who is not judged. First of all, elders are to be above reproach, especially in the home (v.6). In fact, few people would want to listen to a leader whose children are rebellious and undisciplined. And it is important that the elders of the elders are not personally to blame (v. 7, 8). Nor are they to be self-centered or short-tempered, which is, well, obvious. No wonder we don’t want to hear about godliness from leaders who are violent or have a questionable sense of money. Nor will people continue to listen to strange teachings that do not make sense to them (v.9). A person who is recognized as an educator is someone whose character, ethics, common sense, and the content of his teaching can be shared. Then he is also someone who can encourage and admonish others.

Conversely, the problem with false teachers is that their families and personal lives are not respectable, and moreover, their stories are empty, deceptive, and even destructive. In today’s urbanized society, there are not many opportunities to come into contact with the personal lives of teachers. In this sense, it may be necessary to carefully evaluate these qualities.

God’s Word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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