人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書44章 目に見えぬ神を信頼せよ










最初に、昨日のクイズです。エシュルンということばは、どのような意味があるものでしょうか?①イスラエルの愛称、②イスラエルの蔑称、③イスラエルの略称。答えは①イスラエルの愛称でした。このことばは詩的呼称と考えられ、70人訳ではイザ44:2 のこのことばを「愛するイスラエル」と訳しています。では、今日の聖書クイズです。月桂樹は、主としてどんな用途に用いられた木でしょうか?①庭園樹、②建築材料、③食用、答えはまた明日。では今日も良き一日であるように祈ります。

Chapter 44: Trust in the Invisible God

1. do not be afraid.

 Verses 2 and 3, “Fear not, for I will pour out my blessings,” are God’s words to the Israelites who were defeated in the war against Babylon and taken away as captives. God promised to restore the Israelites. Isaiah tells us God’s word, saying. He will “pour water on the land that has no moisture, and pour out abundant streams on the dry places” (v. 3) and make them “like willow trees by the stream, sprouting up among the green grass” (v. 4). This speaks of God’s strong will to restore Israel. However, the Babylonian captivity took place much later than the time Isaiah spoke of. One wonders what the people of that time were thinking when they heard Isaiah’s words. I doubt that most of them would have understood the purpose of Isaiah’s words. It was those who lived long after Isaiah, those who actually experienced the tragedy of the Babylonian captivity, who understood the purpose of Isaiah’s words. However, even those who understood the prophecy may have been skeptical, and when they thought of their devastated homeland, they may have wondered if the prophecy would actually come true. Faith is the essence of seeing the future and believing in God who speaks in this way.

Verse 2, God is your Lord. And there is no other God, he says. There are many gods in this world, but there is only one true God. What He has said will come to pass. Indeed, what he has said has been true throughout Israel’s history, and his works are wonderful, and the Israelites are his witnesses (v. 8).

2. the emptiness of idolatry

Isaiah, therefore, conveys the Word of God and speaks of the emptiness and contradiction of idolatry (v. 9). Idols made by human hands, whether of stone or wood, cannot be seen or known. God may make man, but the opposite is true: man cannot make God. In fact, no matter how much cedar or oak wood is sharpened, carved, and made beautiful (vv. 12, 13), the idol itself has no power to save man’s soul or move his future (v. 15). Rather, man uses the same material to fuel his diet and warmth (v. 17). This is a kind of satire.

People worship idols for prosperity in business, good health, and safety in the home, but we need to realize the folly of such primitive and superstitious piety any longer. It is an empty piety. Rather, the true God is saying, “Return to me (v. 22).

3. Cyrus

 This prophecy, by the way, is very specific. The Israelites will be delivered from the historical events of the Babylonian captivity and return to Jerusalem (v. 26), Babylon will be destroyed (v. 27), and the name of the king God will use for this purpose will be Cyrus, King of Persia (v. 28). However, Cyrus does not actually appear on the stage of history until more than a century after this. Therefore, some believe that this passage was not written by Isaiah. Others believe that “Cyrus” was originally a generic name for a “ruler,” not a personal name, and that the Persian king who read the prophecy later adapted it to call himself Cyrus. However, we can honestly acknowledge Isaiah’s prophetic ability. The eternal God, who controls history, may have told Isaiah the name “Cyrus,” a name he did not yet know. What matters is who we perceive God to be. We must recognize the existence of a God who is beyond our understanding. When we recognize God, the words “Do not be afraid” will resonate as powerful words. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. What does the word “eshrun” mean? (1) A nickname for Israel, (2) a derogatory term for Israel, (3) an abbreviation for Israel. The answer was (1) a nickname for Israel. The word is considered a poetic designation, and the translation of the 70 translates this word in Isa 44:2 as “beloved Israel. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What was the laurel tree primarily used for? (1) garden tree, (2) building material, (3) food. I will give you the answer tomorrow. I wish you a good day.


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