人生100倍の視野【聖書】イザヤ書54章 神の動かぬ契約











Chapter 54: God’s Unmovable Covenant

1. recovery from the Babylonian captivity

 This chapter speaks of the hope of Israel’s deliverance from Babylonian captivity. v. 1, “a barren woman who does not bear children,” “a woman who does not know the pain of childbirth,” and “a woman abandoned by her husband” refer to Jerusalem, which had been destroyed and abandoned by the Babylonian invasion. But that Jerusalem will be restored, he says. Thus, verse 2, “enlarge the place of your tent, stretch out the curtain of your dwelling sparingly, make the ropes long and the stakes strong,” speaks of the return of those taken away by Babylon, and says that the city needs to be expanded for that purpose. Many will return to Jerusalem. And they will “increase and spread out to the right and to the left” and “possess the nations” and “make the desolate cities inhabited” (v. 3). And the Israelites will not only return to Jerusalem. They will go outward and outward, starting from Jerusalem, and they will rebuild those same desolate and abandoned cities.

2. promises based on God’s love

 All these events are the fulfillment of a promise based on God’s love. Israel’s relationship with God the Creator, the Lord of hosts, the Redeemer, and the God of the whole earth is likened to that of an unbreakable marriage (v. 6). And God is the husband who loves his wife (vv. 7-8). God’s love, we are told, is an “everlasting and true love,” and He never moves His covenant (v. 9).

So don’t worry, he says, you who feel like a “tormented, storm-tossed, comfortless woman,” you will be treated as a woman again, that is, you will be loved (v. 11). And to you will be gathered prosperity, justice, and peace. He says that even if someone opposes you, God will be on your side and you will see no shame (v. 15).

But do not simply accept these words. Let us recall the actual historical facts, what happened in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra. The Israelites who returned from the Babylonian captivity were strengthened by the reading of Isaiah and rebuilt Jerusalem, but the actual rebuilding process was a thorny road. Isaiah only talks about the results, not the hardships involved in getting there. The fulfillment of God’s Word and the process are two different things.

3. faith is a product of courage

Faith is not delusion. Faith must be combined with common sense and wisdom. Faith is also difficult to have without courage. It may be a refuge for the weak, but it is not enough to live a life that “increases and spreads to the right and to the left,” “possesses nations,” and “makes desolate cities into inhabited places. Faith is what allows man to accomplish great things. Do not be afraid of the church, no matter how small and decimated it may seem. The Church is the work of God’s grace, which He is building up. It is what God has promised. But God promises results, and we must be wise about the process, do what makes sense, and move forward. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. What kind of work did the evangelist Philip originally do in the early church? (1) Apostle, (2) steward, (3) distributor. The answer is (3) a distributor. As the number of disciples increased in the early church, there were complaints about rationing, and he was one of the seven people chosen to take on this role. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What was antimony used for in Isaiah’s time? (1) ornaments, (2) antiseptic, and (3) medicine. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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