人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書43章 神の言葉に信頼するチャレンジ









Chapter 43: The Challenge of Trusting God’s Word

1. Yohanan rejects the word of god

The Israelites did not accept Jeremiah’s words as the Word of God. The reason they gathered with Jeremiah in the first place was to hear God’s word and to confirm God’s will. Yet, when something contrary to their will was spoken, they refused to accept it. Even the leader, Yochanan, denied that Jeremiah had the Word of God, claiming that Jeremiah was being deceived by Baruch. After all, Jeremiah was called a false prophet. Of course, this is not really true. All the words he spoke would later be fulfilled.

Anyway, what about you, the viewers? If you were in Yochanan’s shoes, how would you react to Jeremiah’s words? Would you throw yourself into the challenge of rebuilding your life in the land as Jeremiah recommends? In the midst of such a stressful situation, with a town that has been thoroughly destroyed by the war, the situation of being forced to live in temporary housing, the labor to rebuild the town, and the anxiety and fear of being accused of rebelling against the Babylonians and possibly being punished, we must not only rely on the unseen promise of God’s blessing, but we must also rely on the promise of God’s blessing that we can see and feel. In the midst of such stressful situations, I wonder if we can continue to hold on, relying on God’s unseen promise of blessings. With no assurance that life will really get better, we must go on trusting only in God’s love, care, and mercy. The Lord’s voice, “Remain in the land of Judah,” certainly spoke of unseen security and assurance for the future, but it was difficult for Yochanan to stand on that word. But he could not completely discard that Word of God, either. That is probably why Yochanan fled to Egypt with Jeremiah and Baruch in tow.

2. Jeremiah’s Performance

 The historian Herodotus calls Tahpanuhes Daphnae. It was a frontier fortified city where Psametikos I of the 26th dynasty deployed a force of Greek mercenaries to defend the eastern part of the Egyptian delta. Government buildings were probably located there. Jeremiah spoke the Word of God there in a performance. He took a large stone and hid it in the plaster of the paving stones. He then declares that Nebuchadnezzar’s main camp would be located there. This prophecy was fulfilled in the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign (568/7 BC). Nebuchadnezzar would engage Amasis in battle in the 37th year of his reign, striking the blow Jeremiah had prophesied, and thus deterring Egypt.

God’s word will be fulfilled in due time. And God’s word will be spoken to us. At that time, will we be able to accept God’s word and stand on it? Can we believe that what God has said will come to pass, even if there is nothing in the situation that would lead us to believe a positive outcome? It is true for everyone rebuilding their own lives and organizations. Even if you are in a situation where you have a broken life and do not know where to start rebuilding, you must have faith that with God’s mercy, you will be rebuilt. Even though the organization is exhausted and cannot be rebuilt, if there is God’s mercy, we believe that there is a way. To walk in trust in God is to put our faith in the unseen possibilities. It means that even though we ourselves may be unfaithful, God is faithful and His Word is true. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, here is yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following units is used to measure liquid volume? (1) Cair, (2) epa, (3) bathe. The answer is a bathe. 1 bathe is the same amount as 1 ephah, but it is a unit used only for liquids. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What were the idols cherished by Jehu, who thoroughly eliminated Baal worship? (1) Ashtarote, (2) the golden calf, and (3) Chemosh. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day.


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